Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Draft a response to each of the bulleted questions below. Each question must have its own response and have a minimum of 75 words.1.       If you were being punished for a crime, would you rather receive 1 year in prison or 50 lashes? Why does the United States not use corporal punishment for criminal offenders? Do you think it should be used? Why or why not?2.       Would you rather spend 1 year in prison or receive 5 years of probation with very severe restrictions? Could you envision a probationary sentence that was more severe than a custodial sentence?  Explain your answer3.       If you could accurately predict future criminals, would you be willing to incapacitate them before they commit a crime to protect society? Explain your answer.4.       How does the correctional subculture deter whistle blowing? How does the correctional subculture differ from the police subculture in this regard? How are they similar?5.       Selecta position for or against the death penalty and discussthe death penalty in corrections, e.g. types of implementation, is the death penalty cruel and unusual punishment? why or why not?, how do we know if someone is guilty, there be a higher level of conviction standard in court for the death penalty?6.       Discuss whether the death penalty is ethical. Limit the discussion to ethical considerations. Only relate arguments to an ethical system for justification. Of prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges whose role has a higher level of ethical expectations?7.       Identify potential ethical issues associated with providing corrections services to members of an ethnic or racial group, and to consider how corrections officers can address them.8.       Discuss the code of ethical behavior for probation, parole, and corrections officers.

Sociology homework help

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