Sociology homework help. need a response to this discussion in APA format 2 pages 3 references 2 from walden university libraryCOLLAPSEArticle SummaryAfter searching the Qualitative Health Research Journal, I found an article that interests me on post-traumatic stress disorder. The researchers of this article were interested in seeing if social media helped those who suffer from PTSD with communication and interaction. They believed they could use social media to discuss health issues and seek support (Salzmann-Erickson &Hicdurmaz, 2017).Methods The researchers used a descriptive research design to conduct their study. A descriptive research design is research that typically has as its main objective the accurate portrayal of peoples / or characteristics or circumstances and/or frequency with which certain phenomenon occur (Polit & Beck, 2017. Pg 726). According to the researchers they felt qualitative research was considered to be well suited as we wanted to gain more in-depth understanding of social phenomenon in which people construct their reality from their social, historical and culturally situated context (Salzmann-Erickson. Et al. 2017, pg. 2). To collect the data, need the researchers did a search on youtube and google. In these search engines, they searched key terms such as post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, my story, and my experiences. The results of the study concluded that social media offered a way for those suffering mental health issues an outlet to share their stories and revel themselves without shame (Salzmann-Erickson. Et al. 2017, pg. 8).Ethical Issues Using a descriptive research design seems very appropriate for this study. The researchers of this study identified no ethical issues since all these videos and social media sites are available to the public (Salzmann-Erickson. Et al. 2017, pg. 2). However, I am not sure I agree with that statement. I think that if you are going to be using someones social media account for a research study, they should be notified.Quantitative vs. Qualitative According to Dr. Mauk using quantitative research is a way to get rich and personal data that you do not get from just looking at numbers (Laureate Education, 2012). By using a quantitative method in this research, the researchers were able to get first hand personal accounts that numbers would not have given them.ReferencesLaureate Education (Producer). (2012l). Qualitative and mixed methods research designs. Baltimore, MD: Author.Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.Salzmann-Erikson, M., & Hiçdurmaz, D. (2017). Use of Social Media Among Individuals Who Suffer From Post-Traumatic Stress. Qualitative Health Research,27(2), 285-294