Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. Hi, I need help with essay on Mining-hazrds. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!The hazards are more dangerous and also unhealthy as compared to other industries. Among the difficulties are the working conditions in the quarries and mines. The employees are exposed to climatic and also weather conditions especially those working in the surface mines. Sometimes the mines may be covered during winter but it only makes the work much more dangerous. However, surface mines pose less risk compared with underground mines. They are recorded to be a dump, noisy, dark and even hot. It, therefore, poses a risk to the health of the workers (Hopkins 2001, p. 25).Water may cover the tunnel floors up to the level of several inches. The only source of lighting in the mines is from the hats of the workers. The operations in the mines get done on limited space. Workers are forced to work on their stomach, knees, hands or their backs. It, therefore, makes the environment less conducive to work. There are unique dangers in the underground mines such as the mine fires, workers being exposed to harmful gases, cave-in and also explosions. Additional hazard that gets experienced in the mining industry is dust. It is generated by the drilling process in the mines. Workers who get exposed to the dust are prone to contaminating lung diseases (Hopkins 2001, p. 26).Hazards can get compared on an international level. It becomes important to integrate the groupings of hazards as well as labeling. A system for all chemicals and also mixtures of the chemicals has, therefore, got established. The classification of the chemical enables the consideration of the adverse effects and helps in evaluating the steps to take. The community, on the other hand, is directly affected by the mining operations. The hazards are felt by the community as they lose their people in the mines. Mining operations affects the community socially, environmentally and also economically. Therefore, the community should get involved

Social Work homework help

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