Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. only “one” page reportin the assignment attached, there is a demo for matlab this is the demo:Gaussian Elimination in floating point arithmetic Note: Download the in-class demo LSRandom.m before completing this assignment. *((here is the code for this part for matlab)): % Class: MACM 316% Title: Gaussian Elimination for a random matrix demo% Description: Computes the mean solution error over Ntr trials for the% system Ax=b where A is a random NxN matrix and x is a vector of ones.% Plots the result as a histogram.% File name: LSRandom.mN = 10; % Matrix sizeNtr = 100; % Number of trialserrs = zeros(Ntr,1); % Vector of errorsx = ones(N,1); % exact solution vectorfor i=1:Ntr A = randn(N,N); % Construct a random NxN matrix (normally distributed) b = A*x; % Compute the right-hand side vector z = Ab; % Solve the linear system errs(i) = max(abs(z-x)); % Compute the errorend% Compute the mean and standard deviation of the errormean_err = mean(errs)sdev_err = sqrt(var(errs))% Plot a histogram of the errorshist(log10(errs),10)title([‘histogram of log_{10}(error) for ‘ num2str(Ntr) ‘ solves with a ‘ num2str(N) ‘x’ num2str(N) ‘ matrix’],’fontsize’,14)xlabel(‘log_{10}(error)’,’fontsize’,12)ylabel(‘number’,’fontsize’,12)

Social Work homework help

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