Question 1 options: Shakespeare's Sonnet 30 “Beowulf and Grendel” Petrarch's Sonnet 28…

Question 1 options: Shakespeare's Sonnet 30 “Beowulf and Grendel” Petrarch's Sonnet 28….

Question 1 options: Shakespeare’s Sonnet 30 “Beowulf and Grendel” Petrarch’s Sonnet 28 The Canterbury Tales Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 2 Question 2 (5 points) What characteristic of Beowulf is revealed when he refuses to use weapons to fight the monster Grendel? Question 2 options: compassion loyalty humiliation confidence Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 3 Question 3 (5 points) In “Beowulf and Grendel,” Beowulf’s victory is primarily symbolic of _________. Question 3 options: Grendel’s weakness incomprehensible evil harsh environments a divine plan Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 4 Question 4 (5 points) In The Canterbury Tales, which is an example of irony? Question 4 options: A gentle nun dislikes seeing animals in pain. A group of pilgrims takes a trip to Canterbury. A miller steals the grain he grinds for his customers. A well-traveled knight brings his son on a trip. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 5 Question 5 (5 points) Unlike the Parson, the Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales __________. Question 5 options: gives sacrificially from his already meager salary spends most of his time hunting in the woods sells false relics, sings, and preaches to make money carries out the church’s mission for the good of others Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 6 Question 6 (5 points) What is true about the Wife of Bath based on her tale? Question 6 options: She does not want people to know about her past. She realizes that she will be a widow forever. She wishes she had been a nun instead of a wife. The characters in her tale reflect her own life. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 7 Question 7 (5 points) In “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” when the knight does not want to marry the old woman because of her poverty and lack of gentility, she explains that true gentility is __________. Question 7 options: coming from an important family doing good deeds earning a lot of money avoiding temptations Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 8 Question 8 (5 points) In what meter are most sonnets in English written? Question 8 options: iambic hexameter iambic pentameter iambic dimeter iambic tetrameter Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 9 Question 9 (5 points) A poem with a fixed rhyme scheme and definite meter whose 14 lines can be divided into an octave and a sestet is a(n) __________. Question 9 options: Shakespearean sonnet Browningesque sonnet Petrarchan sonnet English sonnet Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 10 Question 10 (5 points) In Sonnet 14 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, why does the speaker tell her beloved not to love her because of the way she looks, sounds, or thinks? Question 10 options: These things are misleading. These things are permanent. These things are dangerous. These things do not stay the same. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 11 Question 11 (5 points) Sonnet 17 by Pablo Neruda suggests the intimacy that exists between the speaker and his beloved through images of _________. Question 11 options: darkness and shadow birth and growth flowers and light violence and destruction Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 12 Question 12 (5 points) What does Marcellus say in act1 of Hamlet to help establish that something unnatural or wrong has happened? Question 12 options: “To be, or not to be: that is the question.” “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 13 Question 13 (5 points) Which of the following is a major flaw in Hamlet’s character? Question 13 options: his tendency to hesitate and overthink his tendency to act rashly and boldly his inability to forgive his jealousy of Laertes and Polonius Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 14 Question 14 (5 points) In act 1, Hamlet says that, in the future, he may “put an antic disposition on.” This means that he may ____________. Question 14 options: feign madness, but he is actually sane have already gone insane after seeing the Ghost begin to go insane over what has happened feign sanity, but he is actually mad Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 15 Question 15 (5 points) Hamlet’s obsession with death and decay in act 5 is symbolized by __________. Question 15 options: the forged letter to England the duel with Laertes the skull of Yorick the poisoning of Gertrude Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 16 Question 16 (2 points) Choose the word that best completes the sentence. I returned from my vacation in Vancouver with several __________ of the trip, including a city map and a lovely bracelet. Question 16 options: manacles protocols mementos ablutions Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 17 Question 17 (2 points) Choose the word that best completes the sentence. After revealing the health __________ on Monday, the mayor’s office took swift action in getting vaccination centers set up around the city. Question 17 options: exigency fixation affinity lethargy Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 18 Question 18 (2 points) Choose the words that best complete the sentence. I think that at this __________ in my life, I’d like to keep house in my own __________. Question 18 options: flu…calligraphy juncture…domicile respite…nuance vestige…tutelage Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 19 Question 19 (2 points) Choose the words that best complete the sentence. Nobody suspected that the __________ in the field of ethics was capable of the kind of __________ he used to get his job. Question 19 options: utilitarian…propriety luminary…chicanery rudiment…decorum defection…larceny Save Question 20 (2 points) Choose the words that best complete the sentence. During World War II, there was a(n) __________ of many of the German __________, who fled to other countries for academic and cultural freedom. Question 20 options: onslaught…residents notation…premonitions exodus…intelligentsia idiosyncrasy…sanctions Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 20 Question 21 (2 points) The following sentence may contain a grammar or usage error. Read the sentence and identify its error, if there is one, by choosing the appropriate answer. If there is no error in the sentence, choose no error. Candace’s mother gave her a list of chores that included cleaning the cat’s box, vacuuming the living room, and to empty the dishwasher. Question 21 options: no error cleaning the cat’s box Candace’s mother gave to empty the dishwasher chores that included Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 21 Question 22 (2 points) The following sentence may contain a grammar or usage error. Read the sentence and identify its error, if there is one, by choosing the appropriate answer. If there is no error in the sentence, choose no error. Both candidates claims to have a solution to the community’s fiscal problems. Question 22 options: community’s fiscal problems Both candidates no error claims to have a solution to Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 22 Question 23 (2 points) Read the following sentence and decide whether the underlined portion contains a mistake. If so, identify the best way to correct or improve the sentence by choosing the appropriate suggestion from the answer choices. If the underlined portion requires no improvement or correction, choose No improvement or correction is required. Mr. Donovan gave a large contribution to an agency that was collecting funds for malaria prevention in Africa. Question 23 options: gave a large contribution to an agency that are collecting funds gived large contribution to an agency that was collecting funds No improvement or correction is required. were giving a large contribution to an agency that were collecting funds gave a large contribution to an agency that were collecting funds Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 23 Question 24 (2 points) Read the following sentence and decide whether the underlined portion contains a mistake. If so, identify the best way to correct or improve the sentence by choosing the appropriate suggestion from the answer choices. If the underlined portion requires no improvement or correction, choose No improvement or correction is required. At the new boutique, there were many attractive hats that would be appropriate for the festival. Question 24 options: there was many attractive hats there have been an attractive hat there has been many attractive hats there were an attractive hat No improvement or correction is required. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 24 Question 25 (2 points) Read the following sentence and decide whether the underlined portion contains a mistake. If so, identify the best way to correct or improve the sentence by choosing the appropriate suggestion from the answer choices. If the underlined portion requires no improvement or correction, choose No improvement or correction is required. To get to the stadium, you can either take the subway but ride your bike. Question 25 options: neither take the subway or ride your bike. either take the subway or ride your bike. No improvement or correction is required. take either the subway or ride your bike. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 25 Question 26 (2 points) Use Passage 1 to answer the following question. The palace at Linlithgow is now in ruins for what reason? Question 26 options: Queen Mary was born there. It was destroyed to prevent visitors. It was on a small island in the loch. Soldiers set some straw on fire. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 26 Question 27 (2 points) Use Passage 1 to answer the following question. On the basis of the passage, what can the reader infer about Mary Queen of Scots? Question 27 options: She was a bitter woman. She hated her native country. She had a difficult life. She loved the beautiful palace. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 27 Question 28 (2 points) Use Passage 1 to answer the following question. In line 16, what does the word wantonly most nearly mean? Question 28 options: sorrowfully quietly recklessly carefully Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 28 Question 29 (2 points) Use Passage 2 to answer the following question. Which of the following is the clearest and most grammatically correct way of rewriting sentence 6 (reprinted here)? Bergamot is a small citrus fruit with a strong flavor and it also has a strong fragrance. Question 29 options: Bergamot are a small citrus fruit with a strong flavor and a strong fragrance, too. Bergamot will be a small citrus fruit with a strong flavor and also has a strong fragrance. Bergamot is a small citrus fruit with a strong flavor and fragrance. Bergamot, a small citrus fruit, with a strong flavor and a strong fragrance. Save 10.05 Semester Assessment: British and World Literature, Part 1 Pool 29 Question 30 (2 points) Use Passage 2 to answer the following question. The order of the sentences is not completely logical. Which change would best correct the problem? Question 30 options: Put sentence 2 before sentence 1. Put sentence 5 before sentence 4. Put sentence 2 after sentence 8. Put sentence 1 after sentence 3. Save

Question 1 options: Shakespeare's Sonnet 30 “Beowulf and Grendel” Petrarch's Sonnet 28…