Political Science homework help. Complete 9 page APA formatted essay: Traditional Pastoral and Missional Ministries.From this study it is clear that the .advantage is determined by the realization of giving pastoral care. As the pastor performs the role of the counselor, he is able to pay maximum attention to the person who needs his assistance, and, dependently on his time, he can provide the person in need with the necessary and relevant help. The benefit here is that the pastor as a clergyman and as a shepherd seldom uses severe criticism as a means of help providing, which promotes the help seekers to reveal the essence of the problem to full extent and without any fear of being negatively accepted. This is similar to a psychological phenomenon of a client-centered therapy when a person is accepted without any prejudice and negative assumptions which facilitates better problem revealing, detecting and treatment.This discussion highlights that .the advantage of traditional pastoral ministry is also seen in the field of organization of the work of the church. When a pastor is the one person responsible for governing and management of the work of the church and its structures and other clergymen, he is able to perform his organizational work automatically and to full extent because he does not have to share ti with other people and to combine the results of work of different persons later on. .The thing that is also definitely advantageous is the pastors way of delivering the messages of the religious sources. .