Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Time Management Skills Answers should be written in complete sentences and paragraph form. Please be sure to proofread, as scholarly writing is important. Review the grading rubric to ensure all requiTime Management SkillsAnswers should be written in complete sentences and paragraph form. Please be sure to proofread, as scholarly writing is important. Review the grading rubric to ensure all requirements are met.1.       Brendan Burchard, in theSimpleTime Management Rules video, spoke to many strategies on how to manage your time, but stated it all starts with answering the BIG QUESTION – What do YOU want now? He asks you to consider three things when thinking about what you want: (a) YOUR character, (b) YOUR relationships, and (c) YOUR growth.  Watch the video and think about the next 30 days and your BIG QUESTION. Then, name a goal for each and explain how you will accomplish this goal. There should at least be 3-4 sentencesaddressing each – character, relationships, and growth.2.       There is a ton of information on time management on the internet, in Trident’s e-library, and included within Chapter 4, Thriving at Trident.Select one strategy on overcoming and preventing procrastination from pgs. 78-80from Chapter 4, Thriving at Trident, that you think is important and intend to put into practice.Next, search the internet or e-library for another resource to find a secondstrategy.Explain why you chose each strategy and how you will use it in your daily life. Address the challenges that could come with implementing each strategy. What support will you have to make the strategy successful? There should be 4-5 sentences explaining each strategy.You will need to support where you found each strategyand create a reference section. Refer to using APA and the Basics of Writing to help you with creating a reference list. A formal reference will be created for Chapter 4, Thriving at Trident and your additional source.

Political Science homework help