Political Science homework help. I want someone to help me with this assignment please!From the 8 list of data sources below; Find data that supports the program and intervention of Obesity: Multicomponent Interventions to Increase Availability of Healthier Foods and Beverages in Schools. ( https://www.thecommunityguide.org/findings/obesity-multicomponent-interventions-increase-availability-healthier-foods-and-beverages ) Develop a problem statement (at least one paragraph) and describe the reasons behind your decisions (essentially, your hypothesis).1. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) (www.cdc.gov/brfss). BRFSS tracks health conditions and risk behaviors annually, using a standard core questionnaire that allows state-specific data to be compared across strata. An interactive menu generates prevalence and trend data by age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, and income level. The SMART (Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends) project provides local data for selected cities and counties.2. CDC WONDER (http://wonder.cdc.gov/). CDC WONDER (Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research) provides a single point of access to public health surveillance data and a wide variety of CDC reports, guidelines, and reference materials. Data sets available for query include mortality, natality, cancer incidence, HIV/AIDS, and more.3. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) (www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/yrbs). YRBSS monitors priority health-risk behaviors and the prevalence of obesity and asthma among youth and young adults in the United States.4. County Health Rankings (www.countyhealthrankings.org/). Counties in each of the 50 states are ranked according to surveillance data on health outcomes and a broad range of health factors. For each state, data can be downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file; links for relevant state-specific data websites are provided.5. NH Health WISDOM (https://wisdom.dhhs.nh.gov/wisdom/) Developed and maintained by the NH Division of Public Health Services (DPHS), this site compiles information from many different datasets on hundreds of health related indicators. Health indicators can eitherinform or measure health choices at the community and individual level. NH Health WISDOM provides a portal for users to directly access these datasets, view and customize reports built from these datasets, and save their reports for later access.6. Environmental Public Health Tracking (NH EPTH) (https://wisdom.dhhs.nh.gov/wisdom/?s=epht#StartPage_69A411AED88A4247BC1AF177B6B0B06E).The NH EPHT Program is your source for State and National environmental health data. EPHT is a cooperative initiative betweenthe NH Department of Health and Human Services and the NH Department of Environmental Services. NH EPHT is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to improve public health by providing science-based information on the trends and distributions of environmentally-related diseases. NH EPHT is part of the CDC’s national Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. The network was developed to integrate nationally consistent environment and public health data to support research, and programs and policies that help protect the health of communities nationwide.7. HealthWRQS (http://nhhealthwrqs.org/)The New Hampshire Health Web Reporting and Query System, or NH HealthWRQS, is a web-based data analysis system that allows public health practitioners the ability to query data and view reports instantly about the health of NH communities. The system is organized in a series of modules based on common community health indicators. Each module contains a user’s guide which provides detailed, module-specific information and includes an introduction to the module, instructions on running and interpreting standard indicator reports, methodology and terminology used within the module, and detailed indicator lists with descriptions. The NH HealthWRQSwebsite also contains information about the history and future of the system, training opportunities, and other sources of documentation.8. NH DPHS Health Statistics and Data Management (HSDM) (http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/hsdm/)HSDM obtains, analyzes and disseminates NH population based public health-related data and statistics; performs custom analysis of data and publishes comprehensive reports on various data sets; stewards the NH Cancer Registry and BRFSS data; plays a key role in stewardship of the birth and death data through its administrative management of the department’s Institutional Review Board for Vital Records research data requests; advises DPHS programs on proper and appropriate study design and analysis through HSDM’s knowledge of biostatistics and epidemiology.