Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. 21. Water entering the groundwater system is called a(an) _____ a. discharge b. intrusion c. recharge d. aquifer 22. A (an) _____ is rock or soil through which groundwater freely moves. a. Intrusion b. Quifer c. Ischarge d. one 23. A 100-year flood has a ____ chance of happening in any given year. a. 100% b. 50% c. 2% d. 1% 24. The rate a river descends is called its _____. a. velocity b. discharge c. Volume d. Gradient 25. A continuous circulation of water on, above and below the surface of earth is called the _____. a. hydrologic cycle b. weather c. climate d. biosphere GEOLOGY C105 – 162 – 26. The jumping and rolling action of rocks and sand as they are carried downstream is called _____. a. suspended load b. bed load c. saltation d. turbulent flow 27. A ______ may form when groundwater is superheated under pressure, then suddenly released. a. artesian spring b. discharge c. aquifer d. geyser 28. Particles that are fully mixed with, but not liquefied by the water of a stream are called ____ a. bed load b. suspended load c. dissolved load d. evapotranspiration 29. Soils and rocks with large spaces between particles have high ______ a. permeability b. saturation c. discharge d. porosity 30. Impermeable rock or soil that impeded the flow of groundwater is a (an) _____. a. Aquifer b. artesian well c. cone of depression d. aquitard 31. A lowered water table can cause a drop in surface elevation called _____. a. Intrusion b. cone of depression c. subsidence d. a well 32. The lowest zone in the groundwater system composed of soil or rock saturated with water is called _____. a. zone of soil moisture b. zone of saturation c. zone of aeration d. confining unit – 163 – GEOLOGY C105 33. The extent to which water can freely flow between pore and crevices in soil or rock is _____. a. permeability b. saturation c. discharge d. porosity 34. A drier area around a well formed when water is withdrawn is called _____. a. cone of depression b. zone of soil moisture c. zone of saturation d. zone of aeration 35. Water leaving the groundwater system is called _____ a. recharge b. saturation c. discharge d. permeability 36. The inside bank of a curve in a river where sediment deposits is a _______. a. point bar b. Meander c. yazoo river d. pothole 37. The _____ contains more air than water. a. cone of depression b. zone of soil moisture c. zone of saturation d. zone of aeration 38. A stream or river that flows into a larger river is _____. a. yazoo river b. stream valley c. tributary d. divide 39. A ____ is an accumulation of sand-sized particles deposited along a stream channel. a. levee b. flood plain c. head water d. meander 40. A _____ is a dripstone formation on cavern floors formed by the deposition of calcite precipitated from water dripping from above. a. soda straw b. stalactite c. stalagmite d. sinkhole

Mathematics homework help

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