Languages homework help

Languages homework help. Write a 10 page essay on The issue of crimes of honour against women in states of the Middle East and North Africa is more to do with society than it is to do with law. Discuss, indicating whether or not you agree and examining at least one example in detail in your answer.This essay attempts to understand the issue of honour crimes against the women in Middle Eastern and North African countries and tries to answer the question whether it has more to do with the law or the society.Lama Abu Odeh defines honour killing thus “A paradigmatic example of a crime of honour is the killing of a woman by her father or brother for engaging in, or being suspected of engaging in sexual practices before or outside marriage”. These honour killings are found to be very common in countries where the societies consider that the reputation of the entire family depends on the character of the women in the family. “Even though such accusations are not based on factual or tangible evidence, any allegation of dishonour against a woman often suffices for family members to take matters into their own hands.” (Mayell) In the words of Marsha Freemen, Director of International Women’s Rights Action Watch “Most honour killings occur in countries where the concept of women as a vessel of the family reputation dominates”. (Mayell)In Pre-Islamic Arabia, tribes were ruled by chieftains and they were responsible in resolving disputes. Their word was the law and the tribes followed this law. Under the tribal law a guardian could discipline his ward in whichever way he chose and even had the right to take his or her life. The spread of Islamic law made sure that the severity of such a legal system was toned down by a set of rules. Infanticide and murders due to unsubstantiated rumours became liable to punishment. Rumours were not accepted and there had to be a minimum of four people as witness to an act of adultery. There were punishments for men and women alike. Attempts were made by the Islamic clergy to put an end to the legal system made by tribal laws and propagate the word of God. As the power of the Ottoman Empire decreased the

Languages homework help