International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Compose a 3500 words essay on Closing the Youth justice Gap. Needs to be plagiarism free!It is for the above reasons and more that we must work together to ensure that the BMER young peoples voices are listened to and heard. There should be an initiative to start a process involving the young people as change agents and their views on crime and community safety to be heard and include them in policy and practice if plausible.The strategies to be followed must make cities safe for one and all. Reasons for a young offender who was repeating his offences and being taken into custody number of times should be explored. It might happen due to the Youth Justice Board agents’ discrimination towards them. The depression and frustration when there is no outlet may turn out in the form of a crime. When these are introduced to Entry to EmploymentYoung people who are on mainstream E2E programmes. Children and young people who offend face particular problems accessing or sustaining engagement with education, training and employment. The pilot, which ran from August 2003 to July2005 with Hindley Young Offender Institution and local youth offending teams was able to identify these barriers to engagement and highlighted along with poor educational attainment, including basic literacy and numeracy problems. ?Some providers being disinclined to provide training to young offenders who may have challenging behavior, poor life skills, such as time and budget management, behavioral issues, a lack of awareness, locally, among providers of how to improve the situation. The pilot was extended for one year to build on initial success. Using three voluntary sector agencies: – Nacro, Rathbone and YMCA Training, working together as the Learning Alliance – the programme provided support for a mentoring component as part of education and training provision. The programme had the support of the Learning and Skills Council.A key proposal to be was the need to listen more to young people. A

International Development homework help