In writing or in discussion with your group, answer the following questions about each situation:…

In writing or in discussion with your group, answer the following questions about each situation:….

In writing or in discussion with your group, answer the following questions about each situation:

 a. What, exactly, triggered your emotion in this situation?

 b. What impact did your emotions have on the outcome of the situation? Consider how your emotions affected you, others, and the general outcome of the situation. (Was it positive or negative?)

c. What strategies did you use to deal with the emotion?

d. What other strategies could you have used to deal with the emotion?

 For example, one student noted: “I always get anxious when I take tests. Last week, I was supposed to have a midterm in accounting, and sure enough, the upcoming test triggered my anxiety. Because I was anxious, I put off studying, and I tried to get some friends to go out to a club with me. We all had a good time that night, but the next day I got a D on my Accounting test, and two of my friends failed their management midterms. I was using procrastination and avoidance as strategies for dealing with my anxiety. Another strategy I could have used was to face the anxiety head on by talking to my professor to get a better understanding of the material that was going to be on the test, or by getting a group of my friends together to form a study group for Accounting.”

In writing or in discussion with your group, answer the following questions about each situation:…