Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Health Sciences homework help. Write a 16 page essay on What are the implications of ADHD for the child/adolescents academic learning.The growing attention on ADHD may be attributed to various factors. However, one of the underlying factors is the effects that the disorder has on people. Considering that it is a developmental disorder, ADHD has been associated with various negative effects on the growth, development, and functionality of individuals (Harpin, 2005. Taylor & Sonuga-Barke, 2008). In this regard, researchers and physicians have been interested in understanding the underlying causes and potential effects of ADHD in an attempt to develop effective measures for treating and managing it. While ADHD is prevalent among people of all ages, it is more prevalent among children and adolescents (Brown, 2013). According to Weiss, Hechtman and Weiss (2010), the intensity of ADHD tends to decrease in adulthood. This implies that children and adolescents are more predisposed to the more intense effects of ADHD, especially hyperactivity. ADHD has multiple implications on child/adolescents academic learning through its effect on paying attention, remembering things, and being organized in school (Wehmeier, Schacht & Barkley, 2010).Like any other disorder, ADHD has its unique symptoms. The main symptoms of ADHD include impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity (Pelham et al., 2005. Antshel, 2010). While these symptoms might be difficult to detect in children because of the confusion with normal child behavior, they are usually identifiable because of their intensity and frequency. With regard to impulsivity, children and adolescents with ADHD tend to act without reflection such that it often causes annoyance to other people and may land the children in trouble (Taylor & Sonuga-Barke, 2008). For instance, they move and talk constantly and have problems relaxing or sitting in one place quietly. This may also manifest in the lack of self-control where the children tend to invade and interrupt without consideration for others. The manifestation of ADHD symptoms often ranges from mild to

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Health Sciences homework help. Write a 16 page essay on What are the implications of ADHD for the child/adolescents academic learning.The growing attention on ADHD may be attributed to various factors. However, one of the underlying factors is the effects that the disorder has on people. Considering that it is a developmental disorder, ADHD has been associated with various negative effects on the growth, development, and functionality of individuals (Harpin, 2005. Taylor & Sonuga-Barke, 2008). In this regard, researchers and physicians have been interested in understanding the underlying causes and potential effects of ADHD in an attempt to develop effective measures for treating and managing it. While ADHD is prevalent among people of all ages, it is more prevalent among children and adolescents (Brown, 2013). According to Weiss, Hechtman and Weiss (2010), the intensity of ADHD tends to decrease in adulthood. This implies that children and adolescents are more predisposed to the more intense effects of ADHD, especially hyperactivity. ADHD has multiple implications on child/adolescents academic learning through its effect on paying attention, remembering things, and being organized in school (Wehmeier, Schacht & Barkley, 2010).Like any other disorder, ADHD has its unique symptoms. The main symptoms of ADHD include impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity (Pelham et al., 2005. Antshel, 2010). While these symptoms might be difficult to detect in children because of the confusion with normal child behavior, they are usually identifiable because of their intensity and frequency. With regard to impulsivity, children and adolescents with ADHD tend to act without reflection such that it often causes annoyance to other people and may land the children in trouble (Taylor & Sonuga-Barke, 2008). For instance, they move and talk constantly and have problems relaxing or sitting in one place quietly. This may also manifest in the lack of self-control where the children tend to invade and interrupt without consideration for others. The manifestation of ADHD symptoms often ranges from mild to

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Health Sciences homework help. Write a 16 page essay on What are the implications of ADHD for the child/adolescents academic learning.The growing attention on ADHD may be attributed to various factors. However, one of the underlying factors is the effects that the disorder has on people. Considering that it is a developmental disorder, ADHD has been associated with various negative effects on the growth, development, and functionality of individuals (Harpin, 2005. Taylor & Sonuga-Barke, 2008). In this regard, researchers and physicians have been interested in understanding the underlying causes and potential effects of ADHD in an attempt to develop effective measures for treating and managing it. While ADHD is prevalent among people of all ages, it is more prevalent among children and adolescents (Brown, 2013). According to Weiss, Hechtman and Weiss (2010), the intensity of ADHD tends to decrease in adulthood. This implies that children and adolescents are more predisposed to the more intense effects of ADHD, especially hyperactivity. ADHD has multiple implications on child/adolescents academic learning through its effect on paying attention, remembering things, and being organized in school (Wehmeier, Schacht & Barkley, 2010).Like any other disorder, ADHD has its unique symptoms. The main symptoms of ADHD include impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity (Pelham et al., 2005. Antshel, 2010). While these symptoms might be difficult to detect in children because of the confusion with normal child behavior, they are usually identifiable because of their intensity and frequency. With regard to impulsivity, children and adolescents with ADHD tend to act without reflection such that it often causes annoyance to other people and may land the children in trouble (Taylor & Sonuga-Barke, 2008). For instance, they move and talk constantly and have problems relaxing or sitting in one place quietly. This may also manifest in the lack of self-control where the children tend to invade and interrupt without consideration for others. The manifestation of ADHD symptoms often ranges from mild to

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help