Health Sciences homework help. Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Art class: describing my woodcut(art), wood carving work.Even though it was easier, I felt that the image produced was clear and crisp but lacked interest. It appeared to be one-dimensional. On the other hand, the carving was full of interest. Even when I made a mistake, the piece grew more interesting because it added new movement to piece. In my opinion,the manual process of carving the image was more difficult, but I liked the results better.Another difference between processes is how they required me to interact with the object. In creating the digital image, I focused on creating a bold outline of the figure. I really wanted to capture the profile of one of these huge creatures to give an idea of the animals proportions and prominent features. I found that digitizing this helped me appreciate the sleek shape of this animal. At first glance, it appears to be a very blubbery animal, but when I focused on the outline of the profile, I could imagine the animal sliding sleekly through the waters of the ocean. The bold outline detailing is what made the greatest visual impact for the digital version. The converse is true of the carving. This process allowed me to indulge in highlighting the characteristics of the sea lion that give it such a strong personality. I used the roll of blubber and the muscular neckline to give a sense of playfulness and also power. I found that carving in three dimensions allowed me to highlight the dual nature of the sea lion. I could see how this animal is both a bit of a clown, with the flippers and rolls of belly fat, but that it is also a serious predator. I feel that employing both processes allowed me to see my subject from many different angles.I think that the digital process would have an advantage over the carving if time was of the essence and if the clarity of the image is most important. I can see the digital image being used more frequently for educational and instructional purposes. On the other hand, if you were trying to get