Gender Studies homework help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Health Care Reform and Future Trend. It needs to be at least 1000 words.Download file “Health Care Reform and Future Trend” to see previous pages… I further propose that if health care was provided to these people, then financial suffering could have been prevented. These monetary problems prevent people from receiving essential treatment for illnesses. There is clearly a problem with the current Medicare program when people suffer from diseases simply because of their financial status.Other Medicare programs have to face many hardships while trying to apply a universal take over of every present health care system, which have generally led to extremely high prices, and a low quality of service. Therefore I believe that the whole nationalization of every presently used heath care service would not be necessary, nevertheless only a duel umbrella system which can incorporate uninsured Americans into the present health care system under new federal rules and regulations would be ideal for the Medicare program. I suggest the umbrella system as this umbrella system would let people who at present have an insurance plan to carry on their insurance plan. And those who are uninsured would be placed into a new nationalized health package which could be a HMO type system, which will reduce the costs.The lack of health insurance of a lot of people have a severe harmful consequences and economic costs not just for those who are uninsured but also for their family, the neighborhood they reside in, and the entire state.In my opinion, the primary problem is that health care considered to be a commodity which is marketed instead of a social service. A lot of people get tax-free health benefits from the company they work for, the companies pay insurers a portion of the premiums (Tooke 2003). However not every company provides these benefits. To my knowledge, it is strictly voluntary for employers. In the periodical “Employee Benefits,” the problem for many workers is that not all employer-provided health insurance is equal, and many employers offer no coverage at all. Although 53 percent of private sector firms offer health coverage to their employees, and virtually all firms with 100 or more employees sponsor a health plan, small businesses are far less likely to do so (Cooper 2000), After reviewing the above mentioned problem it can be concluded firms which have a small number of employees most of them are uninsured thus I propose a single-payer system may be more affordable as it would minimize extra costs of administrative, profits and needless repetition. Moreover, it would allow the company of an overall budget and a reasonable and equal distribution of resources.Secondly, I propose that innovative technologies would be scarce under a single-payer system.