Engineering homework help. Need an argumentative essay on MKT Unit 3 Individual Project. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.Part 2 deals with Application to Product/Service, this part mainly focus on Strategic Marketing Plan of Pentax PocketJet 3. Introduction: This Project will be mainly about the Strategic Marketing Plan of Pentax PocketJet 3 using the integrated marketing communications method. According to the American Association of .Advertising Agencies, integrated marketing communications identifies .the .value .of a .comprehensive .plan .that assesses the .planned .roles .of a variety of . public relations, .communication .disciplines .advertising, . sales promotion .and . personal selling, and joins them to .give . consistency, clarity, .and highest communication .impact. PART 1: General Research: Communication channel: A .communication channel refers to a physical .transmission medium .for example a wire or to a .logical connection .more than a .multiplexed .medium for instance a radio channel. A channel is used to .suggest .an .information .sign, such as a digital .bit stream, from one or several .senders .to one or several .receivers. Communication channels have evolved with more emphasis on multiplexing of multiple channels at higher data rates over the same link or channel (Hura &. Singhal 215). The Advertising Pros and Cons: There are a lot of contrasting estimations about advertising. Those in favor state that advertising educates customers regarding new products and services that can assist them develop their lives. It also enhances sales so that organizations can produce things at lesser costs and create things cheaper. And it helps the financial system and provides jobs to several people. With no advertising some free TV and radio channels would not be able to exist. Gaming and other procedures are promoted by ads. Ticket costs will be high without advertisements. In contrast, critics say that customers pay for advertising during higher product costs. They say that small organizations sometimes must close as they cannot fight with larger ones. Through advertising, persons sometimes buy goods that they cannot require and often may not afford. This guides to a high personal debt. It also guides to a casual society products are thrown away and more waste and pollution is produced. Children are so often the main aim of advertisers. They sometimes do not recognize which products are good and buy wrong things. Fast food and snack firms show ads, which guide to diabetes and obesity. Direct Marketing Pros &. Cons Direct marketing contains direct trade. So it is cost helpful for customers, because there is no cost hike due to retailers or wholesalers. Marketing managers may state certainly of the correct answer to their goods. The profit or loss may be extra correctly judged. In contrast, it can be seen as attack of privacy, as consumer questions where we increased their private details. And negative figure of direct mail and not needed phone calls. Relatively expressed due to high costs of making direct contact rather than the broad approach of advertising (Somers, Cain, and Jeffery 335). Sales Promotions Pros &. Cons: By running a sales promotion, a business owner can increase the sales and also improve the bottom line. Sales promotions have the prospective to develop relationships with customers and also the suppliers. One of the advantages of using sales promotions is that it influences customer behavior. The thought of the sale may well influence the consumer to do a purchase when they were not planning to do so.