Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Need an research paper on environmental justice. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism. Environmental justice Task Environmental justice began as an idea during the early 1980s in the United s. Thisword has two different uses. The primary and more common use of the term describes a social movement in the U.S., which focuses on the fair dissemination of environmental burdens and benefits. Furthermore, it is a multidisciplinary body of social science writings. It comprises of environmental theories, justice theories, political ecology, sustainability, development, environmental procedure and planning, and environmental statute and governance. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States terms environmental justice as the meaningful involvement and fair treatment of all individuals regardless of income, national origin, sex, color, or race with respect to the progression, enactment and application of environmental policies, regulations, and laws. Examples of environmental justice burdens can be air and water pollution, insufficient access to nutritious food, and inadequate transportation, among others (Schlosberg, 7). Task 2According to the EUREKALERT!, (1), this burdens all over the world have been documented in an Environmental Justice Atlas by the Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities, and Trade (EJOLT) led by the European Union. The aim of the atlas is to convey information from the records of the EJOLT to the public. This will upsurge the understanding of what causes this environmental issues and how material policies and demands from possible hot spots for future issues (Guardian, 1).Task 3In North America, biodiversity conservation issues are common affecting the animals, plants, and the rainforests, among others. The misuse of resources causes these issues through human activities hence leading to habitat destruction, ocean acidification, among others. The movement advocating for change in North America is the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) (Bickerstaff and Agyeman, 800). In South America, there are water management issues that are caused by many industries, comprising recreation, manufacturing, mining, agriculture, among others. These industries have led to water and air pollution hence decreasing the amount of quality water available. The group fighting for change is the Latin American environmental justice movement (Alazraque, 122). The connection between these two issues is that biodiversity issues bring many effects including issues in water management issues as seen in South America.Task 4Environmental justice movements provide statistical facts on how different actions are affecting the ecology and they take actions to curb the situation causing negative effects. These two issues are important because water is a basic need and every human being and animals require water for survival, additionally, biodiversity is all the natural resources that enhance life on earth and the misuse of this resources leads to numerous effects on the climate, atmosphere, among others. The environment justice movements are important as they have the potential to convince the human audience and those concerned about human beings to maintain a clean environment for all (Mohai, Pellow, and Roberts, 410).Work citedAlazraque, Judith Cherni. “Environmental Justice in Latin America – Problems, Promise and Practice.” Development in Practice 2009: 120–122. Web.Bickerstaff, Karen, and Julian Agyeman. “Assembling Justice Spaces: The Scalar Politics of Environmental Justice in North-East England.” Antipode. Vol. 41. N.p., 2009. 781–806. Web.EUREKALERT! “EUREKALERT! The Global Source for Science News.” Global Atlas of Environmental Justice re-launches website (2015): 1. web. .Guardian, The. “The Guardian.” Mapping the global battle to protect our planet (2015): 1. Web. .Mohai, Paul, David Pellow, and J. Timmons Roberts. “Environmental Justice.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 2009: 405–430. Web.Schlosberg, David. “Defining Environmental Justice?: Theories , Movements , and Nature Abstract and Keywords.” Oxford University Press June 2013 (2007): 1–8. Web.

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help