Directions: In 750-1000 words explain some changes that you have had to make with a sample action…

Directions: In 750-1000 words explain some changes that you have had to make with a sample action….

Directions: In 750-1000 words explain some changes that you have had to make with a sample action plan (which you have read about in part 4 of ebook) in a word document. For example, eating better due to health issues that you recently discovered.

1. How did you overcome resistance to change (if any)? In addition, did you have to be open to and have frequent communication with anyone, did you have to manage the pace of change?

2. How did you budget your time to get used to new ideas? Did you have to let people know about your new changes?

Be creative with this assignment based on part 4 of your textbook.

Directions: In 750-1000 words explain some changes that you have had to make with a sample action…