Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Write a 3 page essay on The Christian Tradition.It was a well-known fact, long before he was born, that Jesus would come to save the non-believers bringing them closer to God.All Christians believe that the church is the work of Jesus, helped by His disciples. In fact, The Apostles Creed declares that Jesus will come again to take his church. Every believer is seen as patiently waiting for the return of their savior, Jesus Christ. The belief that Jesus came up with the church is so high that all Christians identify with His name even in calling their religion. The Bible talks of this church as the kingdom of God that would last forever. In coming to earth, Jesus began to rebuild the kingdom that was broken when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden.The fact that Jesus bore our nature, as a man, but didn’t sin is a lesson to Christians and the society as a whole. Through his exemplary way of life, the people get to learn how to lead a life that pleases not just fellow humans, but God as well (Caputo, pp 83). It is this life that the church teaches us to lead – a righteous life. The church teaches that our bodies are the temple of God. It goes further to say that God resides in our bodies. Therefore, our bodies should be kept clean always, away from sin because God abhors sin. In living as Jesus lived, and in doing as he taught, our society can only become better through coexistence with our neighbors. The Church of Christ, even goes further to declare loving our neighbors as we love ourselves as the greatest commandment of all. It is the essence of living.The Church of Christ is compared to the body of Christ in that it should be one. Christ is the head, and the people the body parts. Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, teaches that no part can work alone without the help of the other. The mouth cannot brag to be more important than, for example, the stomach just because it feeds it. Every part of the body serves a distinct and equally

Computer Science homework help

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