Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. exam: 060118RR – Motivation and Control 1. Which statement is most accurate regarding reinforcement theory? A. Perceptions of unfairness are viewed as punishments and reduce productivity. B. Positive and negative reinforcers motivate a person to behave in a certain way. C. Management style is based on the extent to which worker behaviors are reinforced. D. Attainable goals lead to high levels of motivation under certain conditions. 2. An essay appraisal requires A. a manager to keep track of critical incidents. B. a manager to write an employee appraisal based on typical guidelines. C. an appraiser to respond with “yes” or “no” to sets of questions.D. ranking methods. 3. What type of budgeting requires each manager to justify an entire budget request in detail? A. Balance sheet budgeting B. Zero-base budgeting C. Capital budgeting D. Revenue and expense budgeting 4. A department manager is attempting to motivate employees by moving them from one job to another. What is this strategy called? A. Job enrichment B. Job justification C. Job rotation D. Job enlargement 5. Of the following types of organizations, which one is eligible for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality 6. The _______ approach to performance appraisal is most frequently used for employees who are involved in physically making a product. A. check-off B. graphic rating scale C. essay assessment D. production standards 7. Which type of financial ratio statement is used to judge how well an organization will be able to meet its short-term financial obligations? A. Debt B. Liquidity C. Profitability D. Activity 8. One of the most popular approaches to implementing TQM is the _______ method. A. Deming B. McClelland C. Carter D. Raven 9. Which one of the following philosophies makes every employee a quality inspector for his or her own work? A. Quality at the source B. TQM C. Six sigma D. Kaizen 10. According to Maslow’s theory, what happens when a need is satisfied? A. The need disappears and won’t appear again. B. The person will become motivated by more money. C. Another higher-level need emerges that needs to be satisfied. D. The need will continue to motivate a person but not as strongly. 11. Acceptance sampling is A. a proactive approach to fostering a quality-oriented organizational culture. B. intended to address international organizations and to focus on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. C. a method for predicting the quality of a batch or a large group of products by studying a sample taken from a batch. D. a graphic display to illustrate whether or not a machine or process is producing output at the expected quality level. 12. What area of the control pyramid requires a human response? A. Foolproof controls B. Automatic controls C. Supervisory controls D. Operator controls 13. What type of control is based on direct, personal surveillance? A. Output control B. Impersonal control C. Behavior control D. Preliminary control 14. JIT is also called a _______ system because items are produced or ordered only when they’re needed by the next stage in a production process. A. supply push B. demand push C. demand pull D. supply pull 15. One of Herzberg’s hygiene factors is A. salary. B. achievement. C. recognition. D. the work itself. 116. According to equity theory, when workers perceive an inequity, they will A. try to reestablish an equitable feeling in a number of ways. B. leave for a similar job in a different organization. C. generally be mistaken in their perceptions. D. always increase their efforts in the future. 17. Controls designed to identify existing problem before they get out of hand are called _______ controls. A. budgetary B. concurrent C. postaction D. preliminary 18. Which one of the following statements describes the actions of an organization practicing TQM? A. Make customer needs the highest priority. B. Make improvement goals easy and attainable. C. Emphasize the short term. D. Maximize ROI. 19. What aspect of an employee can be analyzed with the following connecting sequence? Needs ? Drives or motives ? Achievement of goals A. Needs B. Achievement C. Goals D. Motivation 20. The two aspects of an effective operating system are design and A. ease of use. B. standardization. C. control. D. implementation.

Chemistry homework help