Business homework help

Business homework help. Part 1. Select an object from your everyday life that GD&T could be applied to. Attach a graphic image of it (a photograph, a scanned sketch or a computer generated drawing) in JPEG format here. Part 2. Identify two primary functions of this part (e.g. must assemble to other part(s), smooth rolling, must not wobble when placed on a flat surface). Briefly describe the functions.Part 3. Assign a minimum of two geometric tolerances (including at least one that requires the use of datums) to the part to ensure that the part will successfully achieve its two primary function. Assign datums as necessary. Create a sketch or drawing to show where the datums and tolerances will be applied. Assign values for the tolerances, however you will not be marked on the magnitude of the tolerances. Part 4. Briefly describe how the part would be inspected to verify that it meets the geometric tolerances. 92.2352 . 23ETITop viewSoule: 1:1BLO . 1 A1530Isometric viewScale: 1:14X R540 . 05 AB60Thickness = 2 mnBend Radius = 4 mmTHIRD ANGLE PROJECTION30.1Front viewRight viewScale:…

Business homework help