What are the potential dangers of having one super-powerful leader of an organization? As a…

What are the potential dangers of having one super-powerful leader of an organization? As a….

What are the potential dangers of having one super-powerful leader of an organization? As a holder of immense referent power, what types of concerns should Oprah Winfrey have in terms of influencing the employees around her? During this exercise, your objective is to get other people in the class to give you, their points. If you get more than 50 percent of the total number of points distributed to the whole class, you’ll win. Each person in the class has a different number of points, as shown in the class list. You can keep or give away your points in whatever manner you choose, as long as you follow the rules for each round of the process. There are five rounds, described next.

Round 1. In this round, you will write memos to your classmates. You can say whatever you want in your memos, and write them to whomever you choose, but for the 10-minute writing period, there will be no talking, only writing. You will deliver all your messages at one time, at the end of the 10-minute writing period.

 Round 2. In this round, you will respond in writing to the messages you received in the first round. You can also write new memos as you see fit. Again, there is to be no talking! At the end of 15 minutes, you can distribute your memos.

Round 3. In Round 3, you can talk as much as you like. You will have 15 minutes to talk with anyone about anything.

Round 4. In this round, you will create ballots to distribute your points any way you see fit. To distribute your points, put a person’s name on an index card, along with the number of points you want that person to have. If you choose to keep any of your points, put your own name on the card, along with the number of points you want to keep. Do not hand in your cards until asked to do so by the professor.

 Round 5. If there is no clear winner, round 5 will be used to repeat steps 3 and 4.

What are the potential dangers of having one super-powerful leader of an organization? As a…