Subject is  Arizona Wildlife  I need 5 pages Read instructions (the photos) and follow them, here are 5 references used them and add ten more the total references need to be 15 REFERENCES  Ebersole, R

Subject is  Arizona Wildlife 

I need 5 pages Read instructions (the photos) and follow them, here are 5 references used them and add ten more the total references need to be 15


Ebersole, Rene. “Arizona Fights for Pronghorn.” National Wildlife (World Edition), vol. 40, no. 6, Oct. 2002, p. 63. EBSCOhost, Access date July 16, 2019. 

Hogan, Dan. “Rage for Reptiles.” Current Science, vol. 83, no. 6, Nov. 1997, p. 8. EBSCOhost, 

 “Arizona Wildlife: Arizona State Parks.” Arizona Wildlife | Arizona State Parks,  

 Robert , Smith L. Venomous Animals of Arizona. January, 1982. Access date July 16, 2019. 

 “Living With Wildlife.” Arizona Game & Fish, Access date July 17, 2019.