International Development homework help. Need an argumentative essay on Departmental Meeting Report. Needs to be 1 pages. Please no plagiarism.On Wednesday the 17th of September, we held a department care plan meeting together with the MDS coordinator, the nurse and social worker to discuss the discharge plans with patients. Four patients were scheduled for discharge three of which were males and one female. Patients were brought to the meeting on their wheel chairs. After everyone present introduced themselves the meeting began and the pre-discharge plans were discussed. The therapist addressed the various issues the patients as well as every other member might need to know while the social worker addressed the plan of discharge including preparation for discharge. It was noted for instance the patients could need walkers as the go home. Overall care plan was also discussed in the meeting under the coordination of the nurse.Issues stressed included the importance of individualized informal meetings with patients and their families at different stages of their care plan which should focus on rehabilitation so as to guarantee a safe professional discharge for patients. Teamwork is very important for success of care plans and the importance of interdepartmental meetings was noted as a strategy to foster a team approach at haven discharge plans with each patient, informing patients of their recovery stage as well as how they are progressing with therapy. We also discussed collaborating with patients families to share information as not all the patients were given the date of discharge. This was informed by the fact that discharge date and communication of such information to patients depends on their stage of therapy and as such only those patients deemed ready were given the discharge