Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. add at least 1 menu to the program.Blue = Validation LoopGreen = Day 1 – Day 7 SalesOrange = Processing Day 1 – Day 7 SalesPurple = the FunctionPseudocode//A program to ask the user to enter a store’s daily sales, calculate the weekly sales, and display the result.//Declare all variablesMainDECLARE Daily Sales, Weekly Sales, Total AmountDECLARE array Day SalesDisplay “Enter the Daily Sales”Input Daily SalesDay 1 Sales = Daily SalesWhile Day 1 Sales $2200Display “Awesome, You Met Your Goal.”ELSEDisplay “Goal Was Not Met”            End If//repeatDisplay “Enter the Daily Sales”Input Daily SalesDisplay “Day 3 Sales”Day 3 Sales = Daily SalesIF Day 3 sales > $2300Display “Awesome, You Met Your Goal.”ELSEDisplay “Goal Was Not Met”                          End If//repeatDisplay “Enter the Daily Sales”Input Daily SalesDisplay “Day 4 Sales”Day 4 Sales = Daily SalesIF Day 4 sales > $2400Display “Awesome, You Met Your Goal.”ELSEDisplay “Goal Was Not Met”                         End If//repeatDisplay “Enter the Daily Sales”Input Daily SalesDisplay “Day 5 Sales”Day 5 Sales = Daily SalesIF Day 5 sales > $2500Display “Awesome, You Met Your Goal.”ELSEDisplay “Goal Was Not Met”                          End If//repeatDisplay “Enter the Daily Sales”Input Daily SalesDisplay “Day 6 Sales”Day 6 Sales = Daily SalesIF Day 6 sales > $2600Display “Awesome, You Met Your Goal.”ELSEDisplay “Goal Was Not Met”                         End If//repeatDisplay “Enter the Daily Sales”Input Daily SalesDisplay Day 7 SalesDay 7 Sales = Daily SalesIF Day 7 sales > $2700Display “Awesome, You Met Your Goal.”ELSEDisplay “Goal Was Not Met”                        End IfCall CalculateTotalSalesForTheLast7Days()Display Weekly Sales                         End                         //processing all of the sales in the last 7 days into a total numberCalculate Total Sales for the Last 7 DaysDisplay Weekly SalesEnd//This is a functionCall CalculateTotalSalesForTheLast7Days()DECLARE Weekly SalesWeekly Sales = Day 1 Sales+ Day 2 Sales+ Day 3 Sales+ Day 4 Sales+ Day 5 Sales+ Day 6 Sales+ Day  7 Sales = Weekly SalesDisplay Weekly SalesReturnEnd Module

Psychology homework help