Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on High-School Classes on English Composition. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on High-School Classes on English Composition. It needs to be at least 1500 words. To play it safe, I always ended up writing something in the third person, recounting events and human experiences as if they are affixed permanently to the past. As these exercises were also for the evaluation of how well I have assimilated the grammatical concepts of the language, there was not much protest from my part and I never felt restricted regarding the expression of my thoughts and feelings through language.

However, as I was exposed in due course of time to some of the great literary works our times, I noticed how language had been appropriated by many creative writers who have contributed to the evolution of language itself, over the centuries. Needless to say, my writing also has undergone a sea-change, especially with the help of the course that I have taken. Hemingway’s prose, which most people found in the beginning as an unacceptable, fragmentary one appealed to me as something that carries the raw and fresh force of a de-romanticized life. I have tried to create my own rules, which I confess would not have been possible without a clear understanding of the ways in which the language operates. Hence, as I am not wholly resentful of my high school teacher who made it sure that I learned all the tricks of the languages the conventional way, I have also ventured to explore the unfamiliar realms of it use.

I have realized that I cannot set any norms in my writing pattern. There is no hard-and-fast rule as regards the writing-schedule in a day or the quality or quantity of writing. Though the writing exercises have been immensely useful to me, there had been times when I realized that writing systematically, ostensibly under deadlines, may not bring out the best from me. They may help me direct better, focus on my own weaknesses and strengths and lead to some sort of proactive self-research.