Figure 6.12 provides a new current state value stream map for the family of retainers at the…

Figure 6.12 provides a new current state value stream map for the family of retainers at the….

Figure 6.12 provides a new current state value stream map for the family of retainers at the Jensen Bearings, Inc., firm described in Example 6.1. This map depicts the value stream after Kline Steel agrees to accept daily orders for steel sheets and Jensen Bearings continues to deliver the finished goods on a daily basis.

Calculate each component of the new value stream’s reduced lead time.

a. How many days of raw material does the Bearing’s plant now hold?

b. How many days of work in process inventory is held between Press and Pierce & Form?

c. How many days of work in process inventory is held between Pierce & Form and Finish Grind?

d. How many days of work in process inventory is held between Finish Grind and Shipping?

e. What is the new value steam’s production lead time?

f. What is the new value stream’s processing time?

a. Using data shown in Table 6.3; create a value stream map for Jensen Bearings Inc. and show how the data box values are calculated.

b. What is the takt time for this manufacturing cell?

c. What is the production lead time at each process in the manufacturing cell?

d. What is the total processing time of this manufacturing cell?

e. What is the capacity of this manufacturing cell?

Figure 6.12 provides a new current state value stream map for the family of retainers at the…