English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Page  of 6ECON 352: FINAL ESSAYS: DUE BY DECEMBER 05, 2017, 5:30 P.M. (Required Readings – check your CANVAS module identified by assignment date; you may wish to browse through a few optional readings). SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: FOLLOW STRICTLY – DO NOT USE FILE SHARE OR CANVAS- ATTACH WORD DOCS USING YOUR UNIVERSITY MAIL AND MINE-COPY YOUR 2 ESSAYS INTO THE BODY O THE MAIL AFTER ATTACHING THEM ()Subject Line OF E-MAIL: Last Name-First Name-Last 4 Digits of ID-Econ 352-TWO FINAL ESSAYSPLEASE READ THE MOTIVATION FOR THESE ESSAYS AT THE END OF THE ASSIGNMENT*ESSAY 1: 30-Point Essay (1000-1200 words- NO QUOTES): Header: BUSINESS STRATEGY: FOCUS: COSTS, FIRM AND MARKET STRUCTURE(a) Sub-HEADER: SUSTAINABLE DOMINANCE: Review “All Strategy is Local” and Discuss the Varieties of Competitive Advantage with a focus on Sustainable Competitive Advantage and Sustainable Dominance, as illustrated in the retail sector by Wal-Mart.(b) Sub-HEADER: MARKET POWER in RETAIL: Now read “Amazon vs. Wal-Mart” and discuss the reasons behind Amazon’s rise. (c) Sub-HEADER: OPINION: Finally, at the end of the essay, discuss what YOU THINK OF THE POSSIBILITY of maintaining sustainable dominance in the future retail markets. ESSAY 2: 20-Point Essay (500-800 words): Header: MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING: FOCUS ON RISK AND RATIONALITY: (a) Sub-HEADER: CHOICE and RATIONALITY: The behavioral economist Robert Frank speaks of the bounded nature of rationality in his 2008 interview (Challenge 2008) and discusses the axiom of the independence of irrelevant alternatives in rational choice theory. Using the examples he uses, discuss this topic in your own words.(b) Sub-HEADER: PROBABILITY and RISK: Discuss Daniel Kahneman’s Mckinsey interview, and the message he delivers in regards to the risk involved in using inside information (one of the persistent problems in decision theory – with numerous recent examples, including the Financial Crash of 2008).(c) Sub-HEADER: OPINION: What do you think of the property of transitivity in choice theory (Chapter 5) and methodologies of risk assessment (Chapter 15) in the context of these readings. How can we improve the ways we assess risk, or think about choices we make?SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: FOLLOW STRICTLY – DO NOT USE FILE SHARE OR CANVAS- ATTACH SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT USING YOUR UNIVERSITY MAIL AND MINE-COPY YOUR 2 ESSAYS INTO THE BODY O THE MAIL AFTER ATTACHING THEM.Subject Line OF E-MAIL: Last Name-First Name-Last 4 Digits of ID-Econ 352-TWO FINAL ESSAYSCITATION AND STYLECitation: Quotes ought to be limited. However, if you must use them in Essay 2- (please limit) they must be sourced in the following fashion.Style: Double spaced, with headers (there are 3 for each essay). Any standard style such as APA, Chicago etc. will work. *MOTIVATION INTRODUCTION TO FINAL WRITING ASSIGNMENTSESSAY 1: This exercise, focuses the students attention on the ‘REAL WORLD.’ Amazon has a huge presence in the State of Washington and ties the state’s economy to the world, as does many other multinational companies that call greater Seattle their home. Over the past 20 years in particular, Globalization and Technology have transformed the economy of Washington State, and it is imperative to engage with that reality in an applied course such as this by applying the concepts learned in class (Sunk and Fixed Costs (Ch. 8, 9), Economies of Scale (Ch. 9), Cross-Price Elasticity and Market Power (Ch. 10, 12), to the firms and sectors prospective managers and employees may be working in.ESSAY 2: You must have discovered by now, that the entire structure of the text is predicated on assumptions about human rationality. These assumptions are particularly important for the development of the concepts related to Chapter 3 (Optimization and the Methodology (Marginal Analysis, with a focus on Costs and Benefits, that is used to arrive at Decision Rules, which are important for efficient management, or managerial economics) and all that follows after that.The notions of rationality (introduced in Chapter 5) is common to most Managerial Economics texts used for instruction at this level, and intertwines with the concepts of mathematical expectations (Chapter 15). These notions are critical for the development of models of behavior and business strategy, and are used extensively in the Managerial Economics literature.Due to the sheer fact that we are living through a time of unforeseen (by most) and prolonged economic crisis (since 2008) it is important to study the text critically and the reading, discussion and writing opportunity is designed to do just that.

English Language and Literature homework help