English Language and Literature homework help. In your consultant business, you engage with a wide range of clients and organizations. Recently, you gained entry as a consultant with a pet food company. The pet food client has a business objective of expanding its product line beyond its current kidney- and shrimp-based cat foods. The company developed two new products, one based on chicken livers and the other based on salmon. The company conducted an experiment to compare the two new products with its existing ones, as well as a generic beef-based product sold in a supermarket chain. For the experiment, a sample of 50 cats from a population at a local animal shelter was selected. Ten cats were randomly assigned to each of the five products being tested. Each of the cats was then presented with 3 ounces of the selected food in a dish at feeding time. The researchers defined the variables to be measured as the number of ounces of food that the cat consumed within a 10-minute time interval beginning when the filled dish was presented.KidneyShrimpChicken LiverSalmonBeef2.372.262.291.792.092.622.692.232.331.872.312.252.411.961.672.472.452.682.051.64Anova: Single Factor2.592.342. SUMMARY2.342.222.371.961.18 Groups Count Sum Average Variance2.472.562.261.581.92 Column 1 10 24.56 2.456 0.014762.452.362.452.181.32 Column 2 10 24.09 2.409 0.0253432.322.592.571.931.94 Column 3 10 23.68 2.368 0.026284 Column 4 10 20.28 2.028 0.054418 Column 5 10 17.54 1.754 0.099027ANOVASource of Variation SS df MS F P-value F critBetween Groups 3.65896 4 0.91474 20.80541 9.15E-10 2.578739Within Groups 1.97849 45 0.043966Total 5.63745 49