Languages homework help

Languages homework help. Consider a body B of infinite domain, which at time t = 0 contains a sphericalcavity of radius A centered at a point O, as in the figure below. Without loss ofgenerality, let the two orthonormal bases EA and ei coincide and originate at O.At time t = 0 an explosion occurs inside the cavity and produces a sphericallysymmetric motion of the formx =f(R, t)RX , (1)where R = pXAXA is the magnitude of the position vector X for an arbitrarypoint P in the reference configuration. Since it can be easily verified from (1)that the cavity remains spherical at all times, let its radius be denoted by a(t). OXP(a) Determine the deformation gradient tensor F.(b) Find the velocity and acceleration fields using the referential and spatialdescription.(c) If the motion is assumed isochoric, show that

Languages homework help