Create a UML diagram and then write the code for the object classes needed for your UNO game. You….
Create a UML diagram and then write the code for the object classes needed for your UNO game. You will need a minimum of 3 classes: a. A Card class (models an individual UNO card) b. A Hand class (models a player’s hand) c. A Deck class (models the entire UNO deck) You may add other classes as you see fit. Test your program by writing a console application (a driver program) that creates a deck of UNO cards, deals the cards to two or more players, and displays the contents of each player’s hand.
This is what I have so far…
package W5UML;
public class Card
enum Color
Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Wild;
private static final Color[] colors = Color.values();
public static Color getColor(int i) {
return Color.colors[i];
enum Value
Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, DrawTwo, Skip, Reverse, Wild, Wild_Four;
private static final Value[] values = Value.values();
public static Value getValue(int i)
return Value.values[i];
private final Color color;
private final Value value;
public Card(final Color color, final Value value)
this.color = color;
this.value = value;
public Color getColor() {
return this.color;
public Value getValue() {
return this.value;
public String toString()
return color + “_” + value;
package W5UML;
public class Deck {
private Card[] cards; // for a deck , you need to now the cards
private int cardsInDeck;
public Deck() {
cards = new Card[108]; // how many cards are in UNO
public void reset()
Card.Color[] colors = Card.Color.values();
cardsInDeck = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < colors.length-1; i++)
Card.Color color = colors[i];
cards[cardsInDeck++] = new Card(color, Card.Value.getValue(0));
for(int j = 1; j < 10; j++)
cards[cardsInDeck++] = new Card(color, Card.Value.getValue(j));
cards[cardsInDeck++] = new Card(color, Card.Value.getValue(j));
Card.Value[] values = new Card.Value[]{Card.Value.DrawTwo,Card.Value.Skip,Card.Value.Reverse};
for(Card.Value value : values)
cards[cardsInDeck++] = new Card(color, value);
cards[cardsInDeck++] = new Card(color, value);
Card.Value[] values = new Card.Value[]{Card.Value.Wild, Card.Value.Wild_Four};
for(Card.Value value : values)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cards[cardsInDeck++] = new Card(Card.Color.Wild, value);
public Card drawCard() { ///////// add this to draw cards look this up later
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
package W5UML;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Hand {
private int currentPlayer;
private String[] playerIds;
private Deck deck;
private ArrayList<>
private ArrayList
private Card.Color validColor;
private Card.Value validValue;
boolean gameDirection;
public Game(String[] pids) {
deck = new Deck();
stockpile = new ArrayList
playerIds = pids;
currentPlayer = 0;
gameDirection = false;
plyersHand = new ArrayList<>
for (int i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) {
public void start(Game game) {
Card card = deck.drawCard();
validColor = card.getColor(); // they can put down color of card
validValue = card.getValue(); // or the value to match
if (card.getValue() == Card.Value.Wild) {
if (card.getValue() == Card.Value.Wild_Four || card.getValue() == Card.Value.DrawTwo) {
if (card.getValue() == Card.Value.Skip) {
JLabel message = new JLabel(playerIds[currentPlayer] + “was skipped!”);
message.setFont(new Font(“Arial”, Font.BOLD, 48));
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message); // this will print msg
if (gameDirection == false) {
currentPlayer = (currentPlayer + 1) % playerIds.length; //players order gets + 1 or – 1 skipping players
} else if (gameDirection == true) {
currentPlayer = (currentPlayer – 1) % playerIds.length;
if (currentPlayer == -1) {
currentPlayer = playerIds.length – 1;
if (card.getValue() == Card.Value.Reverse) {
JLabel message = new JLabel(playerIds[currentPlayer] + “The game direction changed!”);
message.setFont(new Font(“Arial”, Font.BOLD, 48));
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message);
Create a UML diagram and then write the code for the object classes needed for your UNO game. You…