Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Hi, need to submit a 1500 words essay on the topic As business becomes increasingly global, more and more firms will find it necessary to pay careful attention to foreign exchange exposure and to design and implement appropriate hedging strategies [Eun/ Resnick].Finally, a conclusion, based on the findings of the study, will be presented.Providers of funding to Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are likely to end up in insurmountable losses if the MNCs to which they led money run in to financial predicaments. This is since international business undertakings are mostly exposed to risks of exchange rates. This is the point at which the essence of hedging is felt. (Madura& Fox, 2007 p 359)Exchange rates risk is defined as the risk to which investments are exposed due to fluctuations in the rates of exchange. Mostly, the exchange rate risks which are known are those that arise to foreign currency quoted investments. The most common investments that are exposed to exchange rate risk are purchases and sales of shares in foreign nations or even bonds.Also, those investors who have business carrying out their operations in different countries or who indulge in exporting, are exposed to this kind of a risk. For example. a person who exports is likely to experience a decline in gross margin or even a sales revenue fall due to the local currency’s appreciation.Hedging thus is essential to avoid relatively large swings in a business’ earnings, and is commonly undertaken over a short period of time. Therefore, most hedging instruments cover periods of less than one year. Usually, the rates of exchange are subject to fluctuations and thus, they cannot be forecasted with precision or accuracy. What remains in this situation is, for the specific firm considering hedging, to decide the magnitude of its exposure to the fluctuations of exchange rates.Mainly, there are three kinds of risk exposures. These are Translation, economic and Transaction exposures. ( cuckee.com, 2007) Translation kind of exposure is also referred to as the accounting exposure. This occurs where the balance sheet’s as

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. Throughout this course, many opportunities are available to post an initial response to a Discussion topic as well as to respond to your classmates’ responses. After you have completed the reading, and without reviewing your classmates’ responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 150 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources. After you have submitted your initial post, review some of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your classmates. Refer to your Discussion Board Rubric in your Syllabus for specific grading explanation.Discussion TopicTaking an introductory psychology class helps you to gain insights into several different areas of human behavior and mental processes. In this unit, you are looking at the foundations (or the building blocks) of psychology. Theories are attempts to explain and predict behaviors or events by using organizing principles and observations. Theories lead to hypotheses, which lead to research and observation.Describe a topic you would like to know more about that is related to psychology (for example, how people can pay better attention, or what could help people make better eating choices).Consider what theory described in your Chapter 1 reading would best help you understand what you are studying. Explain that theory with reference to the text and discuss why you think it helps you understand your chosen topic.Identify what subfields of psychology (and what professionals in this field) might address the topic that you have chosen

Psychology homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Company Competitive Advantage” Please respond to the following:Propose two ways that a company can gain a competitive advantage over other companies when striving to recruit job applicants. Determine whether technology has assisted or hindered the process.  Imagine you are head of the HR department, and you have been asked to review two applicants for the sales clerk position at your company. Alice, the first applicant has 10 years of experience in sales work, but can be easily distracted. She will not work on commission and cannot work weekends. She can be a little obstinate, but has an excellent job history. Mary, the second applicant, has one year experience, but very congenial and loves working with people. Her work schedule is very flexible, but she can become a little stressed at times and has been known for having to quietly leave and regroup for a short time. Determine which candidate would be the “right fit”. Support your decision by describing the thought process that lead up to your decision.

Health Sciences homework help

Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. I will pay for the following essay Fill out. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Even, I am more stressed out and mentally fatigued.For controlling this stress, I feel that I should give some time to myself and my friends because giving all the time to studies is making me more stressed. I can do some exercises for mental relaxation. I can also make a schedule giving time to exercise, studies, family time and much more. I should take enough sleep to relax my mind. I should set my preferences and list them out number-wise. Previously, I adopted an extreme side that made me tenser and I was unable to give required results.I worry about a number of things in my life. I am quite aware that this worrying is useless, but I am somewhat habitual. For example, I worry about diseases especially the viral ones. I also worry about my studies that make me much stressed. I worry about people and their comments on any of my actions. I worry about my parents’ anger and much more.What are some ways that this worrying behavior might be useful for you? Think in terms of its distractive value, the self-pity and sympathy that you might enjoy, or even the magical belief that you might somehow prevent disaster through magical thinking.My concern about diseases makes me to take precautionary measures beforehand. My worry about studies makes me to devise strategies to appear better in exams. I also enjoy self-pity when I analyze the amount of workload on me. My stress about people’s perceptions and beliefs regarding my behavior and personality make me stand by and on my guard. My worry about my parents’ anger allows me to keep away from such actions that can cause this anger.Directions: Sometimes the inability to separate a problem from how you feel about the situation may impede your progress in obtaining solutions. The following is an exercise that is designed to help you separate the two.&nbsp.I am sometimes unable to control my anger that is a big problem. Anger is an emotional outburst that is mostly bad for human health

Statistics homework help

English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. This archive file of GEN 200 Week 1 Discussion Questions 2 includes: Post a 150-200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply, then click Quote original, and insert your name in the subject line next to the assignment title, i.e. Wk .1 DQ due Thursday Thread. Susan Pins. Describe at least two specific time management strategies you can use to help you maximize the use of your time during this class and reach your educational goals. Support the points you are trying to make with specific examples.

English Language and Literature homework help