Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. Assignment Details Each person will review the selected guidebook and identify the areas that require revision. As part of this process, students must research more recent collection techniques and analysis methods utilized in the field. The submitted document must contain the following: Explanation of what topics need to be updated in the guidebook. Explanation of why the topics need to be updated and how this revision will affect the forensic science/criminal justice community as it relates to evidence collection and preservation. Explanation of how specifically the group would update those topics (i.e., how you would revise the text to be relevant regarding current evidence collection techniques). The paper should be written in narrative form with a logical flow. In other words, do not simply list a topic from the guidebook and follow it with comments regarding that topic. FormattingYou must follow APA style formatting. The paper should be double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and include a page header (shortened topic name and page number). This assignment must reference a minimum of one (1) scholarly journal sources and one (1) textbook source. You may also use sources from reputable websites such as,, and You should properly cite these sources, both in the body of the paper and on a separate “References” page. APA regulations require a bibliography/reference page including all sources referenced in the paper as well as in-text citations. Recall that if you list a reference, it should be utilized within research work; if not, it can be considered plagiarism.

Mathematics homework help

Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Conduct two non-parametric tests. For each hypothesis test make sure to report the following steps:1. Identify why you choose to perform the statistical test (Sign test, Wilcoxon test, Kruskal-Wallis test).2. Identify the null hypothesis, Ho, and the alternative hypothesis, Ha.3. Determine whether the hypothesis test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed.4. Find the critical value(s) and identify the rejection region(s).5. Find the appropriate standardized test statistic. If convenient, use technology.6. Decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.7. Interpret the decision in the context of the original claim               A real estate agent surmises that the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a beach community in southern California is at least $1500 per month. The rents for a random sample of 15 one-bedroom apartments are listed below. Perform a Sign test to test the agent’s claim. Use ? = 0.01. $1800 $1750 $1200 $1375 $1235 $2250 $1675 $1170$1890 $2500 $1495 $1500 $1575 $1500 $12802. A weight-lifting coach claims that weight-lifters can increase their strength by taking vitamin E. To test the theory, the coach randomly selects 9 athletes and gives them a strength test using a bench press. Thirty days later, after regular training supplemented by vitamin E, they are tested again. The results are listed below. Use the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to test the claim that the vitamin E supplement is effective in increasing athletes’ strength. Use ? = 0.05.Athlete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Before 185 241 251 187 216 210 204 219 183After 195 246 251 185 223 225 209 214 188

Computer Science homework help

History homework help

History homework help. Below I have listed the second assignment for you to do.  Every assignment should be submitted with a cover page.  With that being said please do the following assignments.** To complete this assignment Chapter0 – Chapter3 should be reviewed.  Also see the document “Introduction to Raptor Tutorials” for assistance using Raptor.2nd Assignment is located in the AITT-Summer 2018Assignments folder.  Please answer all questions and submit. The questions can be answered within the document.1)  AITT4300 – Assignment2The second part of the assignment is also located in the AITT-Summer 2018Assignment folder.  The document isAITT4300_Chapter3_PC_1-5.2)  Under the section Programming Challenges (page 177), do questions 4 and 5.  This assignment should be done in a project format.  The two problems are to be submitted as one project.   I. Cover Page  II. Background/Theory III. Problem Statement  IV. Pseudocode   V. Flowchart  VI. Code VII. ResultsVIII. ConclusionBelow I have listed the first assignment for you to do.  Every assignment should be submitted with a cover page.  With that being said please do the following assignments.** To complete this assignment Chapter0 – Chapter3 should be reviewed.  Also see the document “Introduction to Raptor Tutorials” for assistance using Raptor.1st Assignment is located in the AITT-Summer 2018Assignments folder.  Please answer all questions and submit. The questions can be answered within the document.1)  Try_It_Yourself_AppendixA_Exercises2)  Try_It_Yourself_AppendixB_Exercises2nd Assignment is also located in the AITT-Summer 2018Assignment folder.  The document is Chapter3_Questions.pdf.1) Under the section Programming Problems (page 161), do questions 1 and 2.  This assignment should be done in a project format.  The two problems are to be submitted as one project.   I. Cover Page  II. Background/Theory III. Problem Statement  IV. Pseudocode   V. Flowchart  VI. Code VII. ResultsVIII. Conclusion

History homework help

Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. a)    State the point that represents the natural unemployment rate?b)    Represent the unemployment rate below the natural unemployment rate?c)    Represent the unemployment rate above the natural unemployment rate?d)    On the given graph, briefly explain points D and Ae)    On the given graph, briefly explain points C and Bf)     On the given graph, briefly explain points F and E.g)    State the reason, why the curve PC2 is to the right to the curve PC1.

Chemistry homework help