Economics homework help. CRITICAL THINKING QUESTIONS- PRIMATE CHARACTERISITCS.1. Many primates have opposability in their big toe in addition to their thumbs. How do you think daily life would be impacted if Homo sapiens had opposability in their big toes? How do you think daily life would be impacted if Homo sapiens were full-time quadrupeds instead of fill-time bipeds? Explain your answer.2. Explain some reasons why humans have been able to expand in number and distribution to a greater extent than most other animals.3. A key innovation is some modification in structure or function that permitted a species to exploit the environment in a more efficient or novel way, compared to ancestral species. Speculate on what might have been a key innovation in human evolution. Describe how that innovation might be the basis of an adaptive radiation in environments of the distant future.
Category: Ancient history homework help
Law homework help
Law homework help. Write a 3 page essay on Answering questions and doing research.They do not indicate any doubt on the Adidas products or material durability. The only challenge that came out, however, was the issue of design and price. There is a need for Adidas to input more efforts and try to design new products that are attractive to the customers. Several people have heard about Adidas as a brand and have bought Adidas products before. However, the populations had varying attitudes and perception towards Adidas. Some thought that Adidas was a product of some famous football (Regine Business Research, 2013).Research also reveals that other people initially thought that Adidas was a brand meant for people who were of very high class. Most of the people, however, indicated that they buy Adidas products and prefer the Adidas products over the products of other brands such as Nike and Puma. Several respondents feel satisfied with the material and quality used in the products of Adidas. The respondents however had issues with the design of the products of Adidas. They feel that Adidas design is sub-standard with no attractive, stylish design. Several people preferred the Nike designs. Some people compare it to Nike and come out with some differences. Some people feel that Adidas has a problem with its branding as compared to Nike. People get positive and immediate impressions when thinking about the Nike brand and to the contrary, not when the same people think about the brand of Adidas. Adidas has got no stellar branding work like Nike making the market share of Nike relative. As a result, the worldwide market share of Adidas is almost half that of Nike (Regine Business Research, 2013).It is very important for Adidas to consider the influences from the groups because the groups and the company mutually depend on each other. According to Beard (2014), the groups consume the products of Adidas and, therefore, influence the success of the company
Philosophy homework help
Philosophy homework help. Create a 17 page essay paper that discusses Determinants of Internet Use in Iraq-Estimate multinomial probit of choices of Internet modes.This chapter is mainly concerned with the modes of use of Internet connections in Iraq. Some people choose to access the Internet from Internet cafes, some from home, some from work, and other from a combination of modes. There are several determinants of Internet use in Iraq, namely, age, education,employment, utilization, and location. Through use of the multinomial probit function in statistics, these variables will be analyzed in order to more appropriately determine their numerical values and relevancy.Internet access is a way clients of Internet information and services and an Internet service provider (ISP) communicate. Examples of communication technologies that provide Internet access include the public switched telecommunications network include (PSTN), cable TV networks, and satellite systems, and so forth.The Internet has diffused quickly and widely but its spread has been very unbalanced within various regions and countries. The digital divide tends to become wider as DiMaggio et. al. (2001) define the digital divide with regards to inequalities in access to the Internet, extent of use, knowledge of search strategies, quality of technical connections and social support, ability to evaluate the quality of information, and variety of uses. Very little research in information systems has investigated the aspect of consumer choice of technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing consumer choice of Internet access option in Iraq.By drawing from theories of technology adoption, 17 factors were identified. Some factors are grouped into categories. For example, the age factor was divided into three groups, namely, age1, age2 and age3 (depending on the respondents ages). Education, the second factor, was divided into four groups edu1, edu2, edu3 and edu4, according to peoples levels of education. The third factor,
Social Work homework help
Social Work homework help. Art Gallery: Principles of Design For Unit IV of your art gallery presentation, you will be adding descriptions of the principles of design you observe in the artworks you placed in your art gallery. The purpose of this unit assignment is to demonstrate that you can apply what you learned about design principles to your gallery artworks. ? Begin by reviewing your Unit III feedback and making any necessary revisions to the descriptions of the visual elements. ? Next, research the design elements in Chapter 4 of your textbook.? Place the Design Principles slide directly after the Visual Elements slide describing each artwork.? Provide a detailed description of the design principles in each artwork. For design principles, make sure you describe how the artist used most or all of the ones in Chapter 4: unity and variety, balance, emphasis, directional forces, contrast, repetition and rhythm, and scale and proportion. Questions to consider are included below: o Unity: what elements work together to make a harmonious whole? ART 1301, Art Appreciation I 4 o Variety: What creates diversity?o Balance: Is it symmetrical or asymmetrical?o Emphasis: What is the focal point?o Directional forces: What are the paths for the eye to follow?o Contrast: Where do you see contrasting elements in the artwork? o Repetition & rhythm: Is an element repeated?o Scale & proportion: Are the objects in proportion to each other? ? You do not need to cite a source if it is your observation. Only cite a source if you are using information that someone published. Be sure to use APA formatting for all outside sources. ? Please submit your full presentation thus far, which should include the previous updated segments and the segment for this unit. ? This segment must include a minimum of five PowerPoint slides. To access the art gallery template, an example presentation, and other PowerPoint resources, click on the Course Resources link in the course menu bar of Blackboard.Click here to access an example of this presentation segment. Click here to view this example in PDF format. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.I will be checking for plagerism and other cheating sites once assignment is done and paid. If I find that it is not original work. I will turn the person in for plagiarism.
Computer Science homework help
Computer Science homework help. Child and Early Adolescents…. Psychology.I need help with this-Watch the video on language development. It can be found at Once you have viewed the video, respond to the following three items.summarize the video.Discuss how the information presented in the video was related (i.e., compare and contrast the two sources) to the information presented in chapter 6 of the Berk & Meyers’ textbook.Discuss two or more additional things you would like to know about language development. Indicate why these things are important to know.
History homework help
History homework help. Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research employment tests (i.e., drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honest tests, and scored tests of ability).Choose two (2) of the following employment tests: drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honesty tests, and scored test of ability. Next, analyze the manner in which the testing itself could be considered illegal when an organization does not properly use it during the employment hiring process. Justify your response.Give your opinion of the purpose of the Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ), as discussed within the text. Then, suggest two (2) occupations where the discriminatory requirement is legal. Justify your response.
Social Work homework help
Social Work homework help. Using your critical thinking skills and your knowledge of water pollution and ecology, discuss the following statement: “Lakes and rivers have naturally occurring bacteria that can cleanse water, removing organic wastes. Pollution from sewage treatment plants can therefore be released into them without harm.”
Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help
Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Please choose one paragraph within the article uploaded, and answer the following questions:?What it says:What is the main idea of this paragraph?What details does the author use to reinforce the main idea?Is there anything you didn’t understand in this paragraph? If so, what?What it does:What role does this paragraph play in the overall paper?How does this paragraph further or weaken our understanding of the author’s claim?What do you notice about the author’s language, or tone, in this paragraph?
Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help
Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Please choose one paragraph within the article uploaded, and answer the following questions:?What it says:What is the main idea of this paragraph?What details does the author use to reinforce the main idea?Is there anything you didn’t understand in this paragraph? If so, what?What it does:What role does this paragraph play in the overall paper?How does this paragraph further or weaken our understanding of the author’s claim?What do you notice about the author’s language, or tone, in this paragraph?