Engineering homework help. Complete the Final ProjectScience Meets Real LifeIn 1,500-words (minimum), discuss the following:PART I: SCIENTIFIC METHODPlease come up with a second detailed scenario on your own and follow the same steps in the scientific method to find a resolution.Now what?Develop your own detailed problem/observation and apply the scientific method to solve.PART II: WHY I CANNOT LIVE WITH/WITHOUT SCIENCEAnswer the following questions:Describe how science impacts you and your routine throughout the day.How has science improved your quality of life and why?Are there any negative impacts that science has had? What are they and why?Do you believe that you could survive without science? Why or why not?How has this course impacted the way you view science?Be sure to also avoid copying and pasting large sections of text from any given source. For help with citations, refer to the APA Quick Reference.Your Final Project is due at the end of Unit 9.
Category: Ancient history homework help
Psychology homework help
Psychology homework help. Mathematics Thesis Topic: How does the choice of regularizing functions affect the optimality of spatiotemporal solutions for the diffusion equation? The investigation will concentrate on Optimization with PDEs by comparing the objective functional with the L2-Norm-Square other regularizing functions such as the L1-Difference to the background and the Totalvariation of the wanted diffusivity. Level: Master’s Pages – 50 Pages
Biology homework help
Biology homework help. Please help. philosophy 101.2. True or False: In “Appearance and Reality” Bertrand Russell argues that we cannot know about the real objects in the world exist, except that they are the causes of our sense-data.” A. True B. False 3. Epictetus points out an important distinction between which of the following two things? The opinions of the wealthy and the opinions of the poor. A. Athens and Rome. B. What is in one’s power and what is not. C. Slave and master. D. None of the above. 4. Which of the following states Susan Wolf’s position on the meaning of life in her essay “Meaning in Life”? A. There is no objective meaning to life, like Taylor claims, but there is a subjective meaning if you are actively engaged in a project of worth. B. Some projects that at a person might engage in are not meaningful and worthwhile. C. Both of the above. D. None of the above.5. True or False: In his “Dear White America” letter, Yancy argues that even though he doesn’t intend to be a sexist, and even though he consciously hates sexism, nonetheless he is a sexist because he perpetuates sexism, despite his best intentions. A. True B. False 6. True or False: “One reason to believe Determinism is true is if you believe that the universe is entirely physical, because everything in the physical world is deterministic.” A. True B. False
Biology homework help
Biology homework help. Please help. philosophy 101.2. True or False: In “Appearance and Reality” Bertrand Russell argues that we cannot know about the real objects in the world exist, except that they are the causes of our sense-data.” A. True B. False 3. Epictetus points out an important distinction between which of the following two things? The opinions of the wealthy and the opinions of the poor. A. Athens and Rome. B. What is in one’s power and what is not. C. Slave and master. D. None of the above. 4. Which of the following states Susan Wolf’s position on the meaning of life in her essay “Meaning in Life”? A. There is no objective meaning to life, like Taylor claims, but there is a subjective meaning if you are actively engaged in a project of worth. B. Some projects that at a person might engage in are not meaningful and worthwhile. C. Both of the above. D. None of the above.5. True or False: In his “Dear White America” letter, Yancy argues that even though he doesn’t intend to be a sexist, and even though he consciously hates sexism, nonetheless he is a sexist because he perpetuates sexism, despite his best intentions. A. True B. False 6. True or False: “One reason to believe Determinism is true is if you believe that the universe is entirely physical, because everything in the physical world is deterministic.” A. True B. False
Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help
Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Need an argumentative essay on The Kyoto Protocol and the Environment. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.Basically, global warming is a negative environmental phenomenon that can lead to serious environmental problems, such as destruction of the environment, loss of biodiversity, and pollution. According to environmentalist Richard Dahl, global warming is an environmental problem that leads to a rise in world temperatures that is caused by the concentration of greenhouse emission gases in air (Dahl). This rise in temperatures will lead to melting of snow Mountains, which will increase sea levels (Dahl). Therefore, most environmentalists around the world agree that greenhouse gases are the primary reason behind the intensification of the global warming problem in the world. In his book, which is entitled “Global Warming: The Complete Briefing,” John Houghton explains that the concentration of carbon dioxide in high air levels is the main source of global warming (Houghton, p.10). The increase in world temperatures has deadly diseases in many creatures and human beings, leading to the loss of biodiversity. As asserted by many environmentalists, the rise in temperatures has already led to a devastating decline in coral cover, which caused a parallel decline in fish biodiversity, both in marine reserves and in areas open to fishing. Over 75% of reef fish species have declined in abundance, and 50% have declined to less than half of their original numbers (Jones et al.). Therefore, global warming is a detrimental phenomenon that will lead to the disappearance of large parts of sea shores. Any attempt to effectively combat this phenomenon should work hard on minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases, which are the primary reason behind the increase in world temperatures.
Education homework help
Education homework help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Facilitating Learning in Professional Practice. It needs to be at least 1750 words.Download file to see previous pages… The word construction can be used in terming the learning of nursing students in course of their education. 1 The conceptions of students change during education and they are studied by vosniadou (1994), Tynjala (1999). Their study gave knowledge about how the student nurses define the health promotion concept’s relationship with health education. The student’s descriptions about promotion of health emphasised the approaches, which concentrate on life style and changes in behaviour. Some students did not understand the relationship between health promotion and health education and the relationship between them in professional practice. The student must be aware of the interpretations of health promotion and the methods to apply them in practice.The change in conceptions and constructions of student nurses can be viewed as change in conceptions in the learning process. In this course the students understand what is the right meaning of health promotion. When the understanding is advanced the students act like experts. They observe a large area of results due to promotion of health and they will be able to apply them in new and critical situations. When the constructivist idea about knowledge is present, then the learning can be consistent. The learners build their knowledge by re constructing their concepts about health promotion and they interpret new information by using existing knowledge. In the process of moving from education while understanding health promotion to assess competence, it is necessary to be aware of the developments in the student in the course of education.1 In number of countries the teaching regarding health promotion in nursing education is on the basis of two WHO declarations. the Ottawa charter (1986), Health for all 2000. According to those charters, health promotion is defined as a process of making people capable of having control over their health and even to improve it. It should combine the structural change along with individual education. In nursing it is viewed as an integral part of daily practice. It should incorporate disease centred approach as proposed by Robinson and Hill (1995) as they are cited in ‘Investigating student nurses’ constructions of health promotion in nursing education, health education research’. But this is not enough. For modern needs of the society the nursing students must be equipped with promotion of health, which incorporates societal, political, economic and media aspects. The new approach should refer to interaction about promotion of health, which needs to clarify about the values, beliefs and determinants of health along with behaviour. The aim should be well being of individuals and empowerment of their communities. The promotion of health is situation specific and occurs in even complex situations. Then the knowledge building needs flexibility along with critical thinking, which reflects health promotion. The most complex form of change in student’s conception is about revision at the level of theory, which is capable of causing misconceptions. This results in inconsistency and inertia. The studies of Tynjala (1999) establish that the change in concepts occurs on four levels. individual’s semantic level, at the level of relationships between concepts, ontological level, and at the level of theory. According to Boud and Walker (1998) the context is the most important influence on reflection of learning.
Anthropology homework help
Anthropology homework help. What key changes did emancipation make in the political and economic status of african americans? discuss the expansion of citizenship rights in the postcivil war years. to what extent did women share in the gains made by african americans?
Political Science homework help
Political Science homework help. A CPA obtains a January 10 cutoff bank statement for a client directly from the bank. Few of the outstanding checks listed on th client’s December 31 bank reconciliation cleard during the cutoff period
Chemistry homework help
Chemistry homework help. Stooge Enterprises (Stooges) manufactures wooden mallets for commercial and residential applications. Stooges landed a major contract as a supplier to Slapsticks,