Computer Science homework help. My question is Writing.Topic is that Emile Zola, in Ladies Paradise, is trying to capture the changes the department stores brought, both positive and negative. Do you think he is generally positive or negative about department stores, at least seen in our selections from the novel?You should write this topic after reading file(see the attachment file). Please reading this and write this paper!! You should write about 220~300 words. And If you use source from that file, please write page number of that.
Category: Ancient history homework help
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Health Sciences homework help. A local accounting firm employs 20 full-time professionals. The budgeted annual compensation per employee is $40,500. The average chargeable time is 500 hours per client annually. All professional labor costs are included in a single direct-cost category and are allocated to jobs on a per-hour basis.Other costs are included in a single indirect-cost pool, allocated according to professional labor-hours. Budgeted indirect costs for the year are $787,500, and the firm expects to have 90 clients during the coming year.If ten clients are lost and the workforce stays at 20 employees, then the direct labor cost rate per hour
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Biology homework help. This work of BUS 370 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 Corporate Culture comprises: Describe and compare the corporate cultures of organizations in which you have worked. How did the corporate culture add to or detract from your satisfaction with your experience at the organization?
Biology homework help
Biology homework help. This work of BUS 370 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 Corporate Culture comprises: Describe and compare the corporate cultures of organizations in which you have worked. How did the corporate culture add to or detract from your satisfaction with your experience at the organization?
Gender Studies homework help
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Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help
Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Question should be answered in 4-5 well-written sentences. Citation style is informal (e.g., Tocqueville, pg 55), but the posts should be carefully worded to clearly explain and support your argument. If you exceed 5 sentences, be certain that your post is well-edited and concise. on voluntary assoc: Why do democratic societies need voluntary associations? How can they be problematic?
Education homework help
Education homework help. Discussion: Helping Clients Make Informed DecisionsAccording to the ACA Code of Ethics, the primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of clients (Standard A.1.a). Helping professionals also should be aware of their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and avoid imposing values that are inconsistent with counseling goals (Standard A.4.b). Keeping both points in mind, helping professionals must sometimes help clients make informed decisions about behavior that is harmful to themselves and, potentially, others. Whether or not to use contraception is one potential area related to sexuality counseling for which helping professionals may need to inform clients about potential risk.Consider the following case study:You are a helping professional working in a college counseling center. You just completed your intake evaluation session with Josiah, a 20-year-old sophomore. Josiah was mandated to attend six counseling sessions after he received a citation from the campus police for underage drinking at a party sponsored by the fraternity to which Josiah belongs.During the intake session, Josiah was very verbal and willing to share information about his background and current experiences. He shared with you that he frequently drinks six to eight beers or other alcoholic beverages at a time, typically every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday when he parties with friends. He described this as normal behavior among his peer group, saying that this is just how we unwind from all the stress of school every week.When you asked Josiah about his relationships and sexual behaviors, he stated that he has not had a steady partner since high school, saying, People here just arent into long-term relationships. He admitted that he typically hooks up with at least one or two partners each weekend, and when you asked him what he meant by that, he said, Sex. You asked if he uses any contraception in these sexual encounters, and he said, No, I dont like how they feel, so I wont have sex if the other person would make me use one.You asked Josiah what his goals are for counseling and what he would like to change, and he responded, Not much really. I like my life and have fun with all the partying we do here. I guess I need to learn to be a little more careful with my drinking since I got that police citation, but otherwise I feel really happy with my life right now and cant think of much that I really want to work on in counseling.Post by Day 4 an explanation of how you, as a helping professional, might help this student make positive, informed sexual decisions. Describe one specific strategy you might use or one example conversation you might have with him (in the form of a short dialogue) to help him change his sexual behavior. Explain why the strategy or conversation you described might be effective.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.Resources are attached and you must use American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from
Education homework help
Education homework help. Discussion: Helping Clients Make Informed DecisionsAccording to the ACA Code of Ethics, the primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of clients (Standard A.1.a). Helping professionals also should be aware of their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and avoid imposing values that are inconsistent with counseling goals (Standard A.4.b). Keeping both points in mind, helping professionals must sometimes help clients make informed decisions about behavior that is harmful to themselves and, potentially, others. Whether or not to use contraception is one potential area related to sexuality counseling for which helping professionals may need to inform clients about potential risk.Consider the following case study:You are a helping professional working in a college counseling center. You just completed your intake evaluation session with Josiah, a 20-year-old sophomore. Josiah was mandated to attend six counseling sessions after he received a citation from the campus police for underage drinking at a party sponsored by the fraternity to which Josiah belongs.During the intake session, Josiah was very verbal and willing to share information about his background and current experiences. He shared with you that he frequently drinks six to eight beers or other alcoholic beverages at a time, typically every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday when he parties with friends. He described this as normal behavior among his peer group, saying that this is just how we unwind from all the stress of school every week.When you asked Josiah about his relationships and sexual behaviors, he stated that he has not had a steady partner since high school, saying, People here just arent into long-term relationships. He admitted that he typically hooks up with at least one or two partners each weekend, and when you asked him what he meant by that, he said, Sex. You asked if he uses any contraception in these sexual encounters, and he said, No, I dont like how they feel, so I wont have sex if the other person would make me use one.You asked Josiah what his goals are for counseling and what he would like to change, and he responded, Not much really. I like my life and have fun with all the partying we do here. I guess I need to learn to be a little more careful with my drinking since I got that police citation, but otherwise I feel really happy with my life right now and cant think of much that I really want to work on in counseling.Post by Day 4 an explanation of how you, as a helping professional, might help this student make positive, informed sexual decisions. Describe one specific strategy you might use or one example conversation you might have with him (in the form of a short dialogue) to help him change his sexual behavior. Explain why the strategy or conversation you described might be effective.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.Resources are attached and you must use American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from
Education homework help
Education homework help. Discussion: Helping Clients Make Informed DecisionsAccording to the ACA Code of Ethics, the primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of clients (Standard A.1.a). Helping professionals also should be aware of their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and avoid imposing values that are inconsistent with counseling goals (Standard A.4.b). Keeping both points in mind, helping professionals must sometimes help clients make informed decisions about behavior that is harmful to themselves and, potentially, others. Whether or not to use contraception is one potential area related to sexuality counseling for which helping professionals may need to inform clients about potential risk.Consider the following case study:You are a helping professional working in a college counseling center. You just completed your intake evaluation session with Josiah, a 20-year-old sophomore. Josiah was mandated to attend six counseling sessions after he received a citation from the campus police for underage drinking at a party sponsored by the fraternity to which Josiah belongs.During the intake session, Josiah was very verbal and willing to share information about his background and current experiences. He shared with you that he frequently drinks six to eight beers or other alcoholic beverages at a time, typically every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday when he parties with friends. He described this as normal behavior among his peer group, saying that this is just how we unwind from all the stress of school every week.When you asked Josiah about his relationships and sexual behaviors, he stated that he has not had a steady partner since high school, saying, People here just arent into long-term relationships. He admitted that he typically hooks up with at least one or two partners each weekend, and when you asked him what he meant by that, he said, Sex. You asked if he uses any contraception in these sexual encounters, and he said, No, I dont like how they feel, so I wont have sex if the other person would make me use one.You asked Josiah what his goals are for counseling and what he would like to change, and he responded, Not much really. I like my life and have fun with all the partying we do here. I guess I need to learn to be a little more careful with my drinking since I got that police citation, but otherwise I feel really happy with my life right now and cant think of much that I really want to work on in counseling.Post by Day 4 an explanation of how you, as a helping professional, might help this student make positive, informed sexual decisions. Describe one specific strategy you might use or one example conversation you might have with him (in the form of a short dialogue) to help him change his sexual behavior. Explain why the strategy or conversation you described might be effective.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.Resources are attached and you must use American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from