Biology homework help. Create a 6 page essay paper that discusses Space Cowboys Film and Genre.This film has been penned by Ken Kaufman and Howard Klausner of which Clint Eastwood has given superb direction. This is a pretty entertaining and one of the more rambunctious films that have been directed by Eastwood whereby they have clearly explored the idea with vitality and a sense of dynamism. The movie has put a very unique kind of spin on the formula that the longer one lives. the lesser is his worth with the passage of time. The story is set from the scene of 1958 in which pilots Frank Corvin played by Clint Eastwood himself and Hawk Hawkins, by Tommy Lee Jones are members of Team Daedalus, which is an elite Air Force group that is bent upon testing the high-altitude planes as well as dreaming of becoming the first American astronauts to do so. It is unfortunate to mention here that when this very dream does not see the light of the day, Frank starts blaming Bob Gerson, played by James Cromwell who is his commander for betraying him in the middle of the accomplishment of the dream mentioned above. After duration of four decades now, this same individual has become a NASA big shot who has got a huge problem up his sleeves. A huge Soviet satellite, which is named Ikon, has become dysfunctional and is threatening to fall out of orbit and then crash into the region of the earth. Indeed, it is true that similar in notion to the confusion surrounding the US space agency and its affiliates, this guidance system for the satellite is in more ways than one quite similar to that with one of Skylab that was initially put in place by Frank Corvin.