Physics homework help. can you please give me the answers to these? 7.1, 7.15, 7.16, and 7.17of the time the sample mean is lessa. Measuring the job satisfaction of all union employees in a companymine the level of interest in opening a new hunting and fishingb. Conducting a telephone survey in Utica, New York, to deter-c. Interviewing passengers of a major airline about its food servicee. Attempting to measure the corporate culture of cable television7.1. Develop a frame for the population of each of the following re-d. Studying the quality control programs of boat manufacturers7.16. A random sample of size 81 is drawn from a population with7.15. Suppose a random sample of size 36 is drawn from a popula-a standard deviation of 12. If only 18% of the time a sample meangreater than 300 is obtained, what is the mean of the population?a. N= 1000, n = 60, u = 75, and o = 6; P(x < 76.5) = ?= 90, n = 36, u = 108, and o = 3.46;than 280, what is the population standard deviation?7.17. Find the probability in each case.specialty store in the mall7.1 Problemstion with a mean of 278. If 86P(107 < x < 107.7) = ?search projects.companies