I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Innovative Concepts of Microsoft. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Innovative Concepts of Microsoft. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The name of Microsoft is also termed as for its software applications as well. Along with this Microsoft excel and Microsoft word are both considered as the leaders in their respective markets, and at that time both the Microsoft products took away the leadership from their leading products. Microsoft on the other hand also leads all the applications suite market along with its office system, because there were many other products that aimed at the business market. (Masters, 198, no page)

The first ever product, which Microsoft created, was one of the versions of basic language for the very first computers known as Altair 8800. At that time Microsoft also continued to be a leader in the area of software development market along with its visual STUDIO NET and also MICROSOFT SQL. These both above-mentioned services are used in order to create much better-known software, which also runs on the Windows operating system.

Apart from this Microsoft are also considering as a target for anti-competitive practices, it is also considered as one of the most powerful and also most successful software companies ever formed. Furthermore, there were many companies which have no doubt tried to bring this company down but they all failed. Because Microsoft is a company, which continues to further, expand in the future.

Microsoft known is one of the best companies in the field of information technology. Bill Gates the owner of Microsoft presented such types of information technology related products, which are proved very much advantageous for us. Different kinds of operating systems which are now used very much frequently are much more advantageous and beneficial for all of us. The operating systems invented by the Microsoft are such kind of the operating system, which provides deep insight knowledge for each and every customer or for those who use it frequently. (Masters, 198, no page)

Microsoft has done really a great job. it has provided us much different kind of facilities with the help of which we can do various tasks in just a second. It’s only because of it that now we are able to perform different kinds of duties and tasks very easily.

This part basically includes the inventions, which are done by Microsoft.

Disk operating system, which is also known as DOS, was a perfect kind of operating system that helps a lot the company to find its first real success.

It was only the disk operating system (DOS) with the help of which Microsoft gained a huge success, and this huge success made Microsoft one of the best worldwide company or organization. Later on, during the transition of MS-DOS to Windows, Microsoft gained more and more success and this success allowed the company also to attain ground on the application software competitors. (Masters, 198, no page)

Later on, in 1993, Microsoft also released a window known as Windows NT 3.1, which is known as a business for an operating system along with this the windows 3.1 was also termed as a user interface but apart from this it was an entirely different and unique operating system.

Microsoft is considered as an innovative and also a creative organization or a company because behind the success of each and every company there is a special thing which is used in order to gain more and more success.