Employee Management The United States has enacted a plethora of laws related to employer-employee management over the years, yet the employer-employee relationship still appears frayed as witnessed b

 Employee Management

The United States has enacted a plethora of laws related to employer-employee management over the years, yet the employer-employee relationship still appears frayed as witnessed by the rise in employee litigation and negative impression of Corporate America in the public consciousness. Given that background, write a paper that addresses the following: 

Discuss the general reason/rationale that organizations are held in lower esteem by both employees and the general public.

Discuss the role of a human resource professional in addressing this level of dissatisfaction towards organizations in general, both in terms of their employees’ dissatisfaction and the public.

Finally, present three strategies a human resource professional can propose that may address and improve upon—at least partially—the perception of an organization from both an employee and a public viewpoint.

Your paper should be:

7 pages in length not including title and reference pages (which are required). Include a formal references page. Formatted and cited according to the APA.

Supported by at least 4-5 scholarly sources and can include resources from this course. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU-Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:

A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article.

A government-based website or publication.

A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website, including those from trade organizations such as SHRM.org and TD.org.

References used in class:

Cahn, N., Carbone, J., & Levit, N. (2018). Gender and the tournament: Reinventing antidiscrimination law in an age of inequality. Texas Law Review, 96(3), 425–488.

Epstein, A. (2018). The NCAA and whistleblowers: 30-40 years of wrongdoing and college sport and possible solutions. Southern Law Journal, 28(1), 65–83.

Fairchild, S. A. (2017). Make-whole or make-short? How courts have misread Title VII’s limitations period to truncate relief in EEOC pattern-or-practice cases. American University Law Review, 66(1), 195–245.

Nagele-Piazza, L. (2018). When giving references, how truthful can you be? HR Magazine, 63(3), 9–10.

Park, L. D. (2018). L&E evolution: Redefining employment relationships. Labor Law Journal, 69(1), 41–49.

United States Department of Labor. (2019). Employment law. Retrieved from https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/

EEOC. (2019). Selected EEOC case list. Retrieved from https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/litigation/selected/

Smith, A. (2017, September 28). In focus: EEOC, DOJ face off over sexual orientation discrimination. HRNews.

Smith, A. (2017, March 14). Religious and LGBT rights: Find solutions that work for everyone. HRNews.

Estlund, C. L. (2018). The black hole of mandatory arbitration. North Carolina Law Review, 96. Retrieved from https://ssrn.com/abstract=3111826

First Healthcare Compliance. (2018). Workplace discrimination statistics. 1st Healthcare Compliance. Retrieved from https://1sthcc.com/workplace-discrimination-statistics-fy2017/

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2019). Charge statistics. Retrieved from https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/statistics/enforcement/charges.cfm