I need someone to prepare a 3 page pamphlet that addresses end-of-life care decisions that would be suitable for distribution to patients, families, and helping professionals. This informational guide

I need someone to prepare a 3 page pamphlet that addresses end-of-life care decisions that would be suitable for distribution to patients, families, and helping professionals. This informational guide should be designed to help these individuals understand end-of-life care/decisions and the types of support that would be available to them. Your pamphlet should explain common terminology, including: Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)Orders Comfort, or Palliative Care Advanced Directives Living Wills Durable Power of Attorney 

Be sure to include information on psychological aspects of death and dying and make considerations for having this pamphlet available to a culturally diverse audience. 

References Baumrucker S.J. (2007). Durable power of attorney versus the advance directive: Who wins, who suffers? American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 24 (1), 68-73. 

Cook, I., Kirkup, A. L., Langham, L. J., Malik, M. A., Marlow, G., & Sammy, I. (2017). End of Life Care and Do Not Resuscitate Orders: How Much Does Age Influence Decision Making? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1177/2333721417713422. 

Douglas, R and Brown, H. (2002)  Patients’ attitudes toward advance directives. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 34(1):61-65. 

Helm, A. (1985). Final Arrangements: What You Should Know About Living Wills.  Nursing 2019, 15 (11), 39-46. 

Lane, T., Ramadurai, D., & Simonetti, J. (2018).  Public Awareness and Perceptions of Palliative and Comfort Care. The American Journal of Medicine.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2018.07.032. 

Haddleton,  R.E. (2000). The Durable Power of Attorney: An Evolving Tool. Prob. & Prop. 14, 59.