I need some assistance with these assignment. traditional chinese medicine. tao he cheng qi tang Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. traditional chinese medicine. tao he cheng qi tang Thank you in advance for the help! night sweats. Cold signifies reduced functional level of an organ system. The patients

will present with chills, body aches, poor circulation, fatigue, anorexia, indigestion,

diarrhoea, arthralgia or joint pains, slow speech and tardy movements, aversion to cold

and inclination to warmth or heat. This embodies patients with hypoendocrine conditions.

Damp indicates fluid excess in the body with lack of thirst, abdominal bloating, anorexia,

nausea, vomiting, sense of heaviness of the body, and joint pains with stiffness and

soreness. Dryness is the reverse of dampness where the clinical picture consists of dry

hair, lips, mouth, nose, skin, throat. excessive thirst and constipation (Wang, H.M.,


Tai yang syndrome is the Chinese name of Wind/Cold. This is a disharmony, and

if this progresses or moves deeper into body, it may convert into Shao Yang, where

Wind/Cold may come to exist side by side with Wind/Heat. Each phase of symptoms has

characteristic signs and symptoms and specific treatment directed to reversal of the


When a physician consults patients, the first step is to exclude extrinsic or

exogenous disease. When excluded, the next step is to identify intrinsic disease. The

exogenous diseases are identified by two methods. These are syndrome differentiation

according to six meridians or syndrome differentiation according to defense system, wei.

vital energy, qi. nutrient, ying. or blood, xue. The six meridian method investigates

pathological alterations over an exogenous disease, specially for shanghan, which is acute

disease caused by exogenous cold evils.