PLEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED WORD DOCUMENT. For your Signature Assignment, you will refer back to Assignment 2 in Week 4 for which you developed problem statement and justification. This week, you wi


For your Signature Assignment, you will refer back to Assignment 2 in Week 4 for which you developed problem statement and justification. This week, you will expand on your topic and include the following in your final draft:

  • Title Page
    • Title: The title of your work should be concise and describe what your research will entail.
    • Student Name
    • Course ID, Name, and Semester Taken
    • University
    • Date
  • Table of Contents
  • Background
    • This section will provide enough information so that the reader understands the general context, settings, and basis for the proposed research. A non-expert may read the proposal so ensure there is sufficient framing and discussion of the underlying concepts.
  • Problem Statement
    • This section will focus on the presentation of a literature-supported open research question or problem that must be addressed. Additional areas should include detailed discussions of its scope, nature, what the problem is, how it developed or evolved into a problem, why it is a problem, and a brief discussion as to the other works that establish it as a problem within the literature.
  • Goal
    • This section provides a concise definition of the goal of the study, what it will accomplish, and how it will be measured. That is, how you will define success and failure of the study (if applicable).
  • Relevance and Significance
    • This section provides additional support for the problem statement and goal by discussing why the problem exists, who is affected by it, and the impact of the problem. Additionally, discussion of the study’s significance, the promise of its outcome, and its outcomes will address the stated problem.
  • Literature Review
    • This section will focus on clearly identifying the major areas that the research will focus on to establish a foundation of the study within the body of knowledge. The presentation of literature is an expansion of an annotated bibliography that justifies the problem, hypothesis, impact, and significance of the study.
  • Approach
    • A detailed explanation of how the study will be undertaken and how the goal will be achieved. This should take the form of a discussion of the methodology used, each step, milestone, and an explanation of each. Ensure that the approach is supported by the literature, as it cannot be based solely on opinion or experience.
  • Conclusion

Length: 12-15 pages not including titles and reference pages.

References: Support your paper with a minimum of 10 scholarly resources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards