Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on friendship: john and chris.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on friendship: john and chris. His great life, at first, only seemed to become greater. The days after graduation was great, and he enjoyed the last summer before college. He hung out with his friends, and it was at one of his friend’s houses, that the words were spoken that put his whole life into chaos.

Chris and Johnny had been friend his entire life. Chris was the kind of guy who you either loved or hated, depending on how much you could put up with him. To some he was the personification of being all the time stand up comic, others couldn’t stand his flair for life. It was Chris, the fun-filled lover of life, who first pushed Johnny down the stairs.

Literally. It was all a big joke, the boys all messing around at Chris’s house. However, Chris had had one too many drinks, and Johnny had had a little too few. Chris started pushing Johnny around, and Johnny began to push back. Before anybody knew what was happening, Chris yelled

Chris pushed Johnny up against the guard rail of the stairs. Johnny could recall staring out the window behind Chris as his back was bent backward across the metal rail. His last memory was of the white wall of snow falling outside the window, and then he fell.

Falling would be somewhat of an understatement. Leaves fall. Lover’s fall for one another. Fall can also describe a season where many things change and begin to prepare for winter. But Johnny, he fell hard and came down hard. He rolled down the stairs, like a limp young kid falling down a slide, and continued falling until he reached the bottom of the stairs, exactly 72 stairs later.

The rest of what happened. Johnny had to rely on the memory of the rest of his friends. Johnny awoke three days later in a soft, yet not as comfortable as his own, hospital bed. He was surrounded by Chris, and three of his other friends, all amazed to see him awake. Johnny could see that, despite all his friends being there, his parents were nowhere to be found.

“Where are my mom and dad” Johnny softly ushered.

“John, you need to get your rest. Don’t try to talk.”

“What happened to me”

“John, you fell. You fell hard. The doctors say you are lucky to be alive.”

“Chris, Chris, why did you do it”

“John, I’m sorry man. Your fall was as much a surprise to you as it was to me.”
