Perform the following estimations without using a calculator. a. Estimate the mass of water (kg)…

Perform the following estimations without using a calculator. a. Estimate the mass of water (kg)….

Perform the following estimations without using a calculator. a. Estimate the mass of water (kg) in an Olympic-size swimming pool. b. A drinking glass is being filled from a pitcher. Estimate the mass flow rate of the water (g/s). c. Twelve male heavyweight boxers coincidentally get on the same elevator in Great Britain. Posted on the elevator wall is a sign that gives the maximum safe combined weight of the passengers, Wmax , in stones. (A stone is a unit of mass equal to 14 lbm . It is commonly used in England as a measure of body weight, which, like the numerical equivalence between the lbm and lbf , is only valid at or near sea level.) If you were one of the boxers, estimate the lowest value of Wmax for which you would feel comfortable remaining on the elevator. d. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline has an outside diameter of 4 ft and extends 800 miles from the North Slope of Alaska to the northernmost ice-free port in Valdez, Alaska. How many barrels of oil are required to fill the pipeline? e. Estimate the volume of your body (cm3) in two different ways. (Show your work.) f. A solid block is dropped into water and very slowly sinks to the bottom. Estimate its specific gravity.

Perform the following estimations without using a calculator. a. Estimate the mass of water (kg)…