enlightening, and/or useful to you as you developed your writing abilities in this class. The…

enlightening, and/or useful to you as you developed your writing abilities in this class. The….

enlightening, and/or useful to you as you developed your writing abilities in this class. The course learning objectives are also listed here:

MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES:Upon successful completion of this course, students
will be expected to:

  1. Compose texts that exhibit appropriate rhetorical choices, including attention to audience, purpose, context, genre, culture, and convention.
  2. Develop and apply strategies for critical reading, critical thinking, and information literacy.
  3. Demonstrate a proficiency in locating, evaluating, and analyzing academically appropriate research material.
  4. Analyze and synthesize researched information to develop and support original claims.
  5. Develop and advance thesis-driven compositions in an organized progression with appropriate supporting information.
  6. Engage in writing as a process through invention, multiple drafts, collaboration, reflection, revision, and editing.
  7. Employ correct techniques of style, formatting, and documentation when incorporating quotes, paraphrases, and summaries from sources into compositions.
  8. Produce texts that demonstrate control over style and writing conventions, including sentence variety and complexity, word choice, tone, punctuation, grammar, usage, and spelling.

Clearly identify and quote your selected course learning objective. Next, explain how this objective has helped you think critically about your personal writing process. Then describe how you have grown as a writer as you attempted to meet this objective, how successfully you feel you have achieved it, and how it has impacted your writing for this class. Remember: Be specific! Identify one or more specific activities, lessons, or assignment(s) in which you grasped and applied the specific learning objective and explain how it has helped you improve some aspect of your writing process.

Second, respond to at least ONE the following questions regarding various writing techniques developed in this class (such as summary, response, analysis, argumentation, library research, peer response, using one or more They Say / I Say moves, etc.):

  • Which techniques were new to you this semester? Which skills have been the most challenging? Which have been the easiest to understand or apply? Why?
  • Which techniques, if any, do you think will be the most valuable to you in your future classes, career, or other parts of your life? How so?
  • In what ways have you used one or more of these techniques in your other classes, on the job, or in your daily life? How has this class improved your use of these techniques in these settings?
  • How do you think all these techniques you have been learning and practicing fit together?
  • What advice would you give to a future ENGL 111 student on achieving success in this class?

enlightening, and/or useful to you as you developed your writing abilities in this class. The…