Please writing something different than the other post and around 1000 words. As you are aware,…

Please writing something different than the other post and around 1000 words. As you are aware,….

Please writing something different than the other post and around 1000 words.

As you are aware, we’re in the largest health event in the past century. The last pandemic occurred in 1918 and killed nearly 50 million people worldwide. At the time of this writing, COronaVIrusDisease 2019 (COVID-19) has killed nearly 690,000 people worldwide –with 155,000 deaths in the USA. Hospitals are, in some cases, overwhelmed. Lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) has resulted in sub-adequate safety for front-line workers. Society is reeling. Businesses have shut, employees have been laid off, commerce has ground to a halt, schools ended the year without gathering to say goodbye, and are now considering reopening (or not). So much more can be said, and each of us has an individual experience.

The question now is, how do we handle COVID ethically? What do we do to get back up and running in a functional way? Specifically, how do we balance the needs of business/economy with the needs of populace health, and do so in an ethical way? Here’s a sample of proposed ideas…

•Sacrifice some (the vulnerable, marginal) for the greater good; herd immunity will eventually develop once 70% of the population becomes immune.

•Let those who are vulnerable stay shut-in. Everyone else, continue with daily life while minimizing risk.

•Shut everything down for 6 months and provide a universal basic income for each individual.

•Professional class employees shut-in and do Zoom meetings between yoga and Netflix while front-line and “essential” (i.e. working class) workers risk themselves to keep the system running.

•Create $4+ trillion dollars out of thin air and distribute it to businesses and banks in an opaque fashion and also give individuals a $1200 payment. And loans.

•Shift society towards perpetual use of face masks. Create designer ventilators with advanced filtration features, many styles, many options. Facemasks become the rage, yet another symbol of status and inequity.

•Open schools to boost the economy (parents have to work) but risk outbreaks. Keep schools closed for health reasons but risk a stalled economy and gaps in learning.

•For a full list of proposed solutions by Congress, please review the Comparison Chart Here. Those are some of the ideas being discussed(and enacted) in society right now. Use this essay to develop your proposed approach of moving forward, supported by an ethical framework.

Success Factors:

•Use the expository essay format.

•This essay asks you to evaluate the extreme competition between competing stakeholders and to propose your recommendations on how to move towards remedy* based upon your developed ethical framework.

•*Remedy is a return to some sense of normalcy.

•Utilize the ethical decision model as a part of your analysis.

•Include a short discussion from opposing perspective(s).

•Answers should be comprehensive and tie varying concepts together.

•About 1000words

Please writing something different than the other post and around 1000 words. As you are aware,…