Statistics homework help. Compose a 1250 words essay on The inferno. Needs to be plagiarism free!The story ends with Virgil leading Dante up towards the other side of the Earth, and the latter having a change of heart after seeing and meeting many souls in the underworld. During the travels of the two pilgrims towards the center of hell, several notable characters are met and interviewed by Dante, despite being urged by Virgil not to talk to them. As the souls of the damned share each of their stories to the poet of Florence, certain parallelisms can be seen among them. One example of such stories would be Francesca da Polenta and her lover Paolo da Riminis tale in Canto V, and of Count Ugolino della Gherardesca in Canto XXXIII. As shown in the text, the two tales have different premises, wherein the two lovers were sent to hell due to their lust, and the count was sent to hell for being a traitor to his state, which caused him to become a victim of treachery as well. However, upon further inspection of the circumstances of the two tales, certain ideas and concepts are seen to be similar. For one, both Francesca and Count Ugolino were not alone in their predicament in hell. Francesca is eternally tied to her lover, Paolo, always appearing together, and both of them being swept by the wind. Count Ugolino eats the brains of his neighbor and the one who betrayed him, Archbishop Ruggieri, as both are stuck in the frozen lake of Cocytus in the deepest part of hell. The punishment of the two sets of people may be different, as the two lovers were only within the outer confines of hell, and the treacherous pair was sent into the farthest circle of hell, the two pairs are both sent to hell for the same reason. In this paper, the main concept that binds the two stories is that committing the act of betrayal would be the main reason why the two lovers and the count were sent to the depths of hell. The story of Francesca and Paolo would be described first. Dante was surprised to see that among what seems to be flocks of birds that fly in the wind were actually bodies that were being carried aloft by tempests, and according to Virgil, these were the souls of those who succumbed to the sin of the flesh. What set Francesca and Paolo apart from the other souls is that aside from being together amidst a flock of singularly-flying bodies, they seem to be braving the strong winds together (Hollander 105). This caught the attention of Dante and called the pair down to ask about their predicament. What brought the two down was that Dante was a living being that went down to the depths of hell, since he showed pity to their grievous plight (V. 93). After coming down, Francesca alone told Dante the story of their fall from grace. While in the canto itself it was not stated as to what or how Paolo and Francesca betrayed someone in particular, in Hollanders notes it was written why the two ended up being lovers (Hollander 108). It is suggested that Francesca was married to an older, deformed man by the name of Gianciotto, whose younger brother is Paolo. Due to the allure of Paolos physical beauty, as well as Francescas despise towards her husband, she ended up succumbing to lust and betraying her husband, along with his brother. She felt that her predicament can be described in the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, and by reading such story her longing for Paolo became justified, in one solitary moment conquered them both (V. 130).
Statistics homework help
Statistics homework help. Compose a 1250 words essay on The inferno. Needs to be plagiarism free!The story ends with Virgil leading Dante up towards the other side of the Earth, and the latter having a change of heart after seeing and meeting many souls in the underworld. During the travels of the two pilgrims towards the center of hell, several notable characters are met and interviewed by Dante, despite being urged by Virgil not to talk to them. As the souls of the damned share each of their stories to the poet of Florence, certain parallelisms can be seen among them. One example of such stories would be Francesca da Polenta and her lover Paolo da Riminis tale in Canto V, and of Count Ugolino della Gherardesca in Canto XXXIII. As shown in the text, the two tales have different premises, wherein the two lovers were sent to hell due to their lust, and the count was sent to hell for being a traitor to his state, which caused him to become a victim of treachery as well. However, upon further inspection of the circumstances of the two tales, certain ideas and concepts are seen to be similar. For one, both Francesca and Count Ugolino were not alone in their predicament in hell. Francesca is eternally tied to her lover, Paolo, always appearing together, and both of them being swept by the wind. Count Ugolino eats the brains of his neighbor and the one who betrayed him, Archbishop Ruggieri, as both are stuck in the frozen lake of Cocytus in the deepest part of hell. The punishment of the two sets of people may be different, as the two lovers were only within the outer confines of hell, and the treacherous pair was sent into the farthest circle of hell, the two pairs are both sent to hell for the same reason. In this paper, the main concept that binds the two stories is that committing the act of betrayal would be the main reason why the two lovers and the count were sent to the depths of hell. The story of Francesca and Paolo would be described first. Dante was surprised to see that among what seems to be flocks of birds that fly in the wind were actually bodies that were being carried aloft by tempests, and according to Virgil, these were the souls of those who succumbed to the sin of the flesh. What set Francesca and Paolo apart from the other souls is that aside from being together amidst a flock of singularly-flying bodies, they seem to be braving the strong winds together (Hollander 105). This caught the attention of Dante and called the pair down to ask about their predicament. What brought the two down was that Dante was a living being that went down to the depths of hell, since he showed pity to their grievous plight (V. 93). After coming down, Francesca alone told Dante the story of their fall from grace. While in the canto itself it was not stated as to what or how Paolo and Francesca betrayed someone in particular, in Hollanders notes it was written why the two ended up being lovers (Hollander 108). It is suggested that Francesca was married to an older, deformed man by the name of Gianciotto, whose younger brother is Paolo. Due to the allure of Paolos physical beauty, as well as Francescas despise towards her husband, she ended up succumbing to lust and betraying her husband, along with his brother. She felt that her predicament can be described in the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, and by reading such story her longing for Paolo became justified, in one solitary moment conquered them both (V. 130).