History homework help

History homework help. OL 675 5-2 Blog Discussion: Vision StatementIn this blog, ask yourself the following questions in order to better reflect on your values, vision, and the people that are in your life:Who is critical to my life development and to what extent?Who sustains me and to what extent?Who challenges me and to what extent?Values provide a solid foundation for a vision statement. A vision statement has many content criteria and just one simple contextual requirement. A vision statement must inspire one to be greater than who he/she is. Once this vision statement is inspiring, it will also inspire others. The content basics include:Brief: 2–3 sentences, easy to rememberClearAbstract: leaves some room for interpretationChallengingFuture Oriented: the impactStable: very long termExample: Vision statement: To Lead Humanity Toward Systemic Evolution from Within.To complete this assignment, review the Blog Discussion Guidelines and Rubric document.

History homework help