Philosophy homework help. This discussion addresses the following outcome:Explain the importance of the New Rights emergence in the late twentieth century and the so-called Reagan Revolutions ramifications in American society, politics, and foreign policy (CO#1, CO#3, CO#4, CO#5/Gen. Ed. Outcome 4.2)Ronald Reagan, as an individual and in his posthumous legacy, has been one of the most important figures in late twentieth century American politics. The legacy reflects not just his own actions, but also those of his supporters. His rise to the presidency symbolized a larger conservative resurgence.Before beginning this discussion, be sure to read the Module Notes, Chapter 29 The Triumph of the Right (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in The American Yawp; and the article The Mixed Legacies of Ronald Reagan (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by Hugh Heclo. In particular, look on page 557 to the criteria that Heclo establishes for assessing a legacy:A legacy may entail something intended as well as unintended It may involve conserving what we have as well as creating something new It may consist of certain material conditions as well as the perception of those conditions It may develop from what is accomplished, what is unsuccessfully attempted, or from what is simply left undoneUsing the secondary sources above as evidence, consider the following in a post of at least 250 words:What do you think are the most defining features of the Reagan Legacy on American politics? How does American society of the 1980s and afterward still reflect this legacy? Be sure to include additional factors that you think help inform an assessment of Ronald Reagans role in American politics.